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"I've got it!" Oliver called as he abandoned the video game that he and Tony were playing. Choosing to, instead, race towards the front door.

"Oliver Thomas, how many times do I gotta tell you? No running in the house," Steve reprimanded, coming up from the basement where he had placed sleeping bags and other pillows.

Noticing that Rhodey was greeted by half the kids, Steve couldn't help but shake his head and chuckle. Hoping that the crowd of children weren't going to scare the boy off. After all, Steve could only imagine how absolutely overwhelming it would be. Hell, he had been in that situation the first time he met the Barneses, so he got it.

Finally reaching the door, Steve found a tall athletic woman with locs elegantly twisted into a bun on the top of her head and a neon pink tank top that accentuated her warm reddish-brown sepia complexion. Steve extended his hand and assumed, "You must be Rhodey's mom. I'm Steve, Oliver's father."

"Roberta," she shook his hand, "Nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about Oliver."

"Hopefully all good things," Steve nervously chuckled. Trying not to think about how sometimes sleep overs were a breeding ground for bullies. Even when they were supposed to be one's best friend.

Not knowing any better, Cori pulled on the hem Roberta's gray exercise shorts. When the tall woman looked down at her, the three year old gazed up at her as though she was a goddess. "Are you a princess?"

Roberta giggled at that, and Steve gazed down at his daughter affectionately. Roberta joked, "Close. But I'm a queen, sweetie."

Giving the little brunette a wink, Roberta smiled down at Cori. The toddler's naturally pale white complexion started to pink, and Steve enjoyed discovering that she got something from him.

Around them, the children talked among themselves. Steve couldn't understand what the topic of discussion was, due to all the voices overlapping. But whatever it was, they were excited, and Steve couldn't help but let that excitement latch onto him too.

Putting her hand on her son's shoulder, she turned him and said, "You be good, James. Alright? I don't wanna hear anything about you misbehaving, you got me?"

"I got you," Rhodey assured, letting her kiss his cheek and smooth her hand over his flat top, making sure that it was all in order. Just like Oliver did with his fathers, Rhodey pulled away from his mom and gave her A Look.

"Come on, Tony's beating my butt at Symbol of Freedom," Oliver said, leading the way back into the living room.

"What character are you playing as?" Rhodey asked, his voice cracking from puberty as he did so.

"U.S. Agent," Oliver readily answered, his go-to.

"Well, there's your problem right there," Rhodey good-humoredly scoffed, "You always go with Battlestar."

"Thanks, again," Roberta said, regaining Steve's attention. Lowering her voice, she added, "It's not easy going to a new school, so I appreciate the invitation tonight."

"Of course," Steve assured. Happy to be hosting a sleep over. Even if the younger kids were bound to bug the older ones.

Inching out of the house, Roberta asked, "You've got my number?"

"Yup," Steve confirmed, smiling. Roberta seemed to ease and left the house with a wave.

After Steve closed the door, Bucky announced, "Hotdogs are done!"

Nothing else really needed to be said then as the kids rushed into the kitchen. On the way, Bitsy reached up and took Rhodey's hand as she skipped the rest of the way. For a moment, Steve just watched the interaction as Rhodey smiled down at her. Steve also noticed how Oliver spotted the interaction and bit back his own smile as he averted his gaze to the floor.

"Mr. Barnes makes the best hotdog chili sauce," Tony informed his friend.

Faux humbly, Bucky said, "I don't think I'd call it, 'the best.'"

"Yes, you do," Steve, Oliver, and Finn all said together because it was exactly what Bucky called it every time he made it.

Bucky feigned betrayal while Steve reminded, "The recipe card is literally titled, 'World's Greatest Hotdog Chili Sauce.'"

"Doll," Bucky playfully whined, wrapping Steve up in his arms. Leaning down, he asked, "But it is the World's Greatest Hotdog Chili Sauce, right? Right?"

"Of course," Steve assured, playfully mocking Bucky's pouting.

Putting some of the chili sauce on his hotdog, Rhodey chuckled, "It definitely smells better than my dad's."

Grinning, Steve quirked a brow at Bucky while the alpha said, "See?"

Still preening, Bucky kissed Steve before pulling away so he could help the younger kids with their dinner. Steve smiled and poured some juice for the kids. Allowing Tony, Oliver, and Rhodey to have some soda for the night. Especially since their kids didn't usually drink soda. But he wanted to be a cool parent. At least for tonight.

"Can we eat downstairs?" Oliver asked, a hopeful glint in his steel-blue eyes.

Thinking it over a bit before allowing, "Fine. But you're cleaning up any and all messes you guys make."

"Okay," Oliver smiled, rushing off for the basement with the other two twelve year olds following on his heels.

Steve shook his head and got his own plate ready once everyone else had theirs done. Loading his kosher beef hotdog with the World's Greatest Hotdog Chili Sauce. Because as much as he and the kids gave Bucky a hard time, the man had perfected chili dogs.

"Excuse me, Mr. Barnes?"

Turning, Steve found Rhodey and he kindly asked, "What's up?"

Politely, Rhodey asked, "Is there any cheese?"

"I think we might have some leftover from tacos," Steve offered. Opening the fridge and getting the half-full bag, "It's Mexican blend. Is that okay?"

"That's perfect, thank you," Rhodey accepted the bag of shredded cheese.

"You're welcome," Steve told the pre-teen as the boy turned for the basement.

Once he was gone, Bucky turned towards Steve and prompted, "So, what do you think?"

Chewing the bite of chili dog, Steve shrugged, "It's alright, I guess."

Rolling his eyes, Bucky good-naturedly swatted at his husband as he lowered his voice and clarified, "About Rhodey."

"He's nice," Steve decided because he seemed nice, but more than that, Oliver wouldn't invite someone over if they weren't. Evaluating his bonded, Steve threw the question back at him, "What about you?"

"It really is the World's Greatest Hotdog Chili Sauce," Bucky mocked, causing Steve to roll his eyes. Around a month of chewed chili dog, Bucky agreed, "I like him. I think we'll be seeing a lot of him around now."

Growing Together: Green Series 8 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve and Alpha!Bucky AU)Where stories live. Discover now