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It was the fourth day of Hanukkah, the first day of Winter Break from school, and something was up with Bucky. For the past two weeks, Bucky had been acting... off. Going to work early. Staying at work later. Preoccupied. Withdrawn. Quiet. If Steve didn't know any better, he'd assume that his bonded was cheating. Fortunately, Steve did know better. But that still didn't explain what was going on with the alpha.

When he caught the salt-and-pepper brunet carrying some old blankets under his arm, Steve stopped him, "Ya gonna tell what you're hiding, or do I have to find out for myself?"

Nervously chuckling, Bucky questioned, "Hiding? I'm not hiding anything."

Entirely unamused, Steve crossed his arms and quirked a brow, "James, I'm about to spend an entire two weeks with a moody pre-teen, a frustrated musician, a class clown, and overzealous triplets. I don't have the energy to argue with you."

Studying his mate for a moment, Bucky relented and led Steve through the house to the garage. Bringing him around to the back of the Volvo, Bucky avoided Steve's confused gaze and opened the trunk door. There, everything made a whole hell of a lot more sense.

Finding a white cat laying in a box with some of Bucky's old, stained sweatshirts, Bucky quickly rambled, "She's been coming to the garage and since it's so cold, I couldn't just leave her there, ya know? And I know that we've said we wouldn't get another pet until the kids were older, but it wasn't like I went out and looked for one, she found me. And I'll do all the work, you won't have to worry. I'll change the litter and make sure she has enough food and water. And, and, and the kids are old enough to know not to eat her food, so you won't have to worry about that. So... can we keep her?"

Knowing how difficult the past couple of years without Greg was for his husband, Steve took a step closer to let the pretty, dirty white cat sniff his hand. Loudly, she started purring and Steve tenderly under her chin. Finally confirming, "Yeah, we can keep her."

"Yes!" Bucky triumphantly raised his arms and wrapped his arms around Steve, bringing the omega close before lifting him and twirling him around. Steve squealed at the action and Bucky said, "thank you, thank you, thank you," while littering Steve's face with kisses.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Steve shook his head, teasing, "But this counts as your big Hanukkah present."

"Fine by me," Bucky chuckled, leaning in and kissing Steve.

When he set Steve down, the graying blond asked, "So, does she have a name, or...?"

"Alpine," Bucky answered, scratching at her ear, earning another loud purr from her.

"How'd you come up with that?"

"She was laying on a magazine opened to a picture of an Alpine A110," Bucky explained. Steve wasn't the most well-versed with cars, so he was grateful for his husband explaining, "It's a French sports car."

"Ah," Steve nodded. Affectionately petting Alpine, Steve asked, "Have you taken her to the vet?"

"Not yet," Bucky shrugged, "Went around trying to see if she belonged to anyone. But no one claimed her. And Dr. Somerton can't get her in until tomorrow."

"Well," Steve sighed. Holding out his hands, with his fist hovering over his palm, he decided, "Who's gonna keep the kids in check when they meet her?"

Just like always, Bucky obliged and, just like always, won. And just like always, Steve commented, "fuck," under his breath. As they heard the kids start to call out for them, Steve stood on his tiptoes and kissed Bucky before heading for the door.

Growing Together: Green Series 8 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve and Alpha!Bucky AU)Where stories live. Discover now