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Finally washing the silver paint off Nevie's face, Steve reminded Cori, "It's not makeup. It doesn't go on people."

"Sorry, papa," Cori said, not going back to her painting until Steve reassured, "It's okay, sweetie."

As Kit reached for the blue paint, his sleeve dipped into the white paint. Instantly, Kit apologized, "I'm sorry."

However, before Steve could assure the little boy that it was okay, Oliver yelled from his room, "Gross! POPS, THE CAT JUST TOOK A HUGE DUMP ON MY CLOTHES!"

"Great," Steve muttered under his breath, standing from the table and grabbing some cleaning supplies.

Standing from the table too, Kit said, "I wanna see!"

"No," Steve told him, "You don't need to see cat poop. Go back to painting."

Remembering the paint on his sleeve though, Steve backtracked to him. Using a paper towel to clean the six year old's clothing the best he could before racing upstairs. Already lecturing his oldest, "This is why we pick up our rooms, Oliver Thomas!"

"So the cat won't poop on my clothes?" Oliver sassed back as he stood in the hallway, looking very uncomfortable about the cat making a mess of his room.

Getting the supplies ready so he could quickly clean up, Steve entered the room and rounded the corner as though he was going to enter the bathroom. When he found Alpine, he paused. Mouth dropping open and eyes going wide. There, in a pile of clothes just to the side of the hamper, Alpine wasn't pooping, she was giving birth.

Immediately, Steve instructed, "Call your dad, now!"

"Why?" Oliver asked, concerned.

"Alpine is giving birth," Steve clarified, then turned for his son's desk where his tablet was charging. Not needing to ask him again, Oliver raced downstairs while Steve googled, what to do when cat is giving birth.

Skimming through the article, Steve called out, "Hey, cookie?! Can you get me a heating pad and scissors?"

Rushing into the bathroom himself, Steve washed his hands and got the container of dental floss. Hoping that Alpine would chew through the umbilical cord, but knowing that he'd have to cut it if she didn't. Of course, Steve hoped that it didn't come to that.

"Pops!" Oliver declared, carrying the phone over to him as Steve re-entered the room. "Dads on the phone!"

Trying to help Alpine, Steve instructed, "Put the phone on speaker."

Doing as told, Oliver held the phone out to his father. On the end of the line, Bucky asked, "What's going on?"

"The one homeless cat that, 'found you,' had to be pregnant," Steve informed, trying not to intervene unless he had to.

"Are you sure she's pregnant?" Bucky questioned.

"Pretty sure," Steve answered, looking over the crying, slimy dark-fur kitten with fleshy looking paws while Oliver sassed, "If she's not having kittens, she's got some crying poop."

"Here ya go, papa," Finn entered the room, carrying the heating pad and scissors.

"Thank you, baby," Steve took the items from him. Noticing the kitten, Finn's face scrunched up. Especially when Alpine started eating the placenta. Even Steve felt queasy at that. So, he said, "You don't have to stay in here."

"Thank you!" Finn sighed in relief and rushed out of the room.

"I just thought that she was packing on some holiday weight. Ya know, to stay warm during the winter," Bucky continued through the speaker phone. Steve shook his head and Bucky asked, "How many kittens are there?"

Just as he was about to tell him, one, another kitten joined them. Briefly, Steve thought that it was hairless before realizing that they had a white coat just like their mom, but with it being wet, it matted to its tiny body while Alpine bathed it. Only once the second kitten meowed did Steve answer, "Two."

As Alpine started cleaning that kitten off too, Oliver commented, "That's so gross!"

"It's nature," Steve scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"Doesn't make it any less gross," Oliver argued, mocking a gag at the end like an exclamation point.

Sitting on the floor, Steve shook his head and chuckled as he reached for his phone. With his only task done, the twelve year old left his room while Steve told his husband, "You're giving the kids The Talk for this one."

Chuckling, Bucky agreed, "Deal." Then, he asked, "How's she doing?"

"Fine, I think," Steve shrugged, not knowing how a cat acted in labor, "I think she's having another contraction."

Watching as Alpine started panting and how her stomach tightened before redirecting his attention to the tablet. Trying to figure out how to help her. It mentioned petting her, but having just met her this morning, Steve didn't think that would help. After all, he hadn't really liked being touched when he had been in labor. So, Steve just helplessly sat on the floor in front of the pile of ruined clothes and hoped the cat was doing okay.

"Okay," Bucky assured, "I'll be home soon. I'll try and get out early."

"Okay," Steve kept watching Alpine as she shifted and started pushing, "See you in a bit."

"See you in a bit," Bucky repeated. "I love you."

"Love you too."

Hanging up, Steve watched as an orange kitten joined them. Just like with the previous two, Alpine cleaned that one too. And just like their siblings, the kitten squeaked out a tiny, shrill meow. Steve's heart couldn't help but adore the kittens already.

This morning, he had one cat, now – as Alpine started pushing again – he had five cats. Steve wondered how they were going to handle five cats. After all, the only pet that Steve had ever had was Greg, and she was already housebroken. And with Greg, she was old enough to know not to go around the little kids if she didn't want to deal with them and their – sometimes – sticky hands or their love. Especially when they were in their hair-pulling phase.

What were they going to do with –

Slimy and bloody, a calico kitten was brought into the world. While Alpine cleaned that one, all the other kittens continued to cry and tried to get at her engorged nipples. Blindly climbing over each other and stumbling about, unsteady on their feet.

Alpine gave him a look and Steve empathized, "I know the feeling."

Then, with everything seemingly under control, Steve made his way downstairs. Seeing that Oliver was helping with the little kids, Steve was grateful as he grabbed Alpine's water bowl. Figuring that she had to be absolutely parched after birthing four kittens.

As Steve returned with the water, he was glad to see that no new kittens had been born in his absence. After all, four was more than plenty if anyone asked Steve.

Setting the bowl within her reach, Steve teased, "You sure have your work cut out for yourself, huh?"

In response, Alpine continued bathing herself and the kittens. Only briefly looking at Steve as she let the kittens at her. Nudging them with her head or paws when they didn't latch. Steve couldn't help but understand that feeling too.

"From a papa to a mama," Steve scratched at her head. More than glad when she started purring, "These are the easy days."

Alpine simply blinked up at him. Not that Steve could blame her. Knowing just how exhausted he had been after delivering his own kids. He couldn't even imagine doing it again without the assistance of drugs and Bucky. Looking over her bloodstained white fur and the kittens latched along her exposed belly, Steve questioned himself, oy vey, what have I gotten myself into?

Growing Together: Green Series 8 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve and Alpha!Bucky AU)Where stories live. Discover now