It's not enough for your Devil Fruit, but you are still a swordsman. Having a blade should be enough.

"I know we met in the war," you say to the agent. "What happened to me there?"

"That's not what I came to talk about," he smirks, tilting his head.

You notice how he has his claws out but doesn't make any attacking moves.

"Answer me!" you shout frustratedly, lifting the katana even more.

If he acts like this, I can't avoid the fight.

But Lucci ignores you and looks over your shoulder. His glowing gaze meets Law's before turning back to you.

"You got yourself a quite famous pet this time, [Y/N]," grins the agent, and you shake in anger.

"I asked you a question!" you yell at the man, but he doesn't react.

"Oi, Trafalgar Law of the Worst Generation. Did you know who this whore is before you took her on your ship?"

The pirate scoffs as an answer and steps forward, but you stop him with your free arm.

"Don't listen to him," you whisper to the man. Law lours and Lucci's smirk grows wider.

"You want to know who she really is?" he asks the other man, and you shiver. "I'm not here to fight you now. She is my target, not your crew."

He doesn't even look at me.

"If you are her enemy, you're mine too," states Law, and your heart misses a beat from his words.

"I suppose you know about her bounty, don't you?" continues Lucci with balanced features like he's just chatting meaninglessly.


"You never wondered how she didn't get one sooner? Someone as skilled as her, so daring to rush headlessly into the middle of a war without any friends or allies on the side. Only to find her brother."

How do they know?! Did I tell it somehow?

"I know about Strawhat-ya," answers Law coldly. "But we are not here for that.

And your lips open when you catch the reaction from Lucci that he failed to block.

Only for a moment, his eyes sharpened, and the left corner of his mouth lifted.

It wasn't the face of someone who knew the truth. It was a pure surprise.

He didn't know about Luffy, but he had information that didn't fit into this.

What the hell is happening?

"What an interesting woman you are," laughs Lucci, recovering his attitude in a blink of an eye. He turns back to Law. "Hand her over to me and the CP0 won't be chasing your crew. Don't make us your enemy for someone like her."

"You are here for me, not them," you shout at the agent, but he throws an angered glare at you.

"Why didn't she get a bounty sooner?" asks back the pirate suddenly, and your chest sinks, hearing the low and dark atmosphere from his voice. You look back at him and freeze when you see the shadow over his face.

The trap was not for me.


"Silence, woman," spits Lucci to you.

The other man's eyes clear for a minute, and he steps to your side, taking your hand carefully. He pulls out his katana and aims it at the agent.

"You owe both of us answers," he states.

Little Bird [Trafalgar Law × Reader]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя