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"NO, NOT ONE MORE!" M/N yelled in exhaustion. The last three sets the boy was switched out with Tsukishima and ended up staying there.

"I think that's enough for today Hinata. It's getting late." Daichi stated while catching his breath.

"Daichi, our saviour" M/N tiredly cheered out, he dropped to his knee and slowly began to lay on the floor. "Ryu pick me up please, I can't feel my legs." The middle blocker said, muffled by his face against the floor.

"Yachi-san! Could you set for me now!!" Hinata exclaimed as he hoped around the second year.

"Quit it dumbass! At least let him eat first, he'll get nauseous if he doesn't." Kageyama scolded as he walked over to help Tanaka to help the basically dead middle blocker.

"Yes. Food. Please." M/n said with anticipation, drooling over the amounts of options of food there was. He was assisted and seated on the bench, handled water and a towel by Kiyoko.

"I still have a granola bar in my bag so you can have that until you get home." Kageyama said as he rummaged through his bag next to his partner.

He took it out and handed it to the other. "Don't want you complaining about having a headache on the bus." He said with a small smile.

M/n smiled, he took the granola bar and quickly gave his partner a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks Tobi."


The bus finally made it back to Karasuno high, and M/n was still tired.

"Dude come on! It's like you took a bunch of melatonin!" Tanaka complained as he struggled to help his friend off the bus.

"My body is taking a day off since 2 hours ago thankyou very much." The middle blocker mumbled as he started to go down the steps.

Kageyama sighed as he waited for his partner to finally get off. Suddenly an idea popped into his head to get the boy moving again.

"M/n! Miwa's still in town, she's been waiting for you to come visit!"

Immediately M/n stood straight up and bolted towards the other boy, jumping on him, having Kageyama give him a piggy back ride.

"What are we waiting for! Onward my stead!" M/n yelled enthusiastically as he pointed toward the school gates.

"Get off me!" Kageyama protested as he tried to regain balance so the two didn't fall off.

"Pretty sure it should be reversed Yachi-senpai! Kings are the ones who ride their stead." Tsukishima snickered as he and yamaguchi began to walk home.

"I swear to- if my legs weren't dead I'd kick your ass right now Tsukki!" M/n yelled has he tried to name his boyfriend move forward but he didn't budge.

"One, please don't call me that. Two, as if you could, with your little self you'd probably only reach my shins." He snickered

"Uh Tsukki should you really be saying that to our upperclassmen?"

"Shut up yamaguchi."

"NO DONT SHUT UP YAMA YOU TELL HIM OFF!" M/n threw a first into the air, supporting his underclassmen. Making a few of the second years chuckle.

"STOP YELLING PEOPLE ARE SLEEPING!" Daichi butted in and smacked the middle blockers back.

"Hypocrite.." the other third years mumbled.

"I heard you." The caption sent death flared to the setter and ace.

"welp don't wanna witness a murder! Let's go Tobi! I'm starving and Miwa's cooking is soo good~" the

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