“Is this business arrangement somehow connected to your abusive husband?”


“Never mind, it’s none of my business.” Carlina thankfully stopped her sorry excuse of a cover up. She just couldn’t find the words to lie to this woman after everything she has done to her. “Plus I don’t want to taint this night with misery. I have a gut instinct that I know what is going on around here. Although my son tries to keep me out of business because he doesn’t want to worry me, I know more than he thinks I do.”

“Oh please don’t tell Mr. Mucciono… if he knew…”

“Shh… It’s alright caro. You didn’t say anything. I assume everything. That’s what mother’s do. You just wait.” Allison visibly flinched. “Oh caro, I am so sorry. My mouth tends to be loose at times, is what my late husband would always say.”

“It’s alright. Cruel reality.”

“You’re safe now. NO more pain.”

Allison honestly liked the sound of that. She was sick of the pain of the only life she has known. Being unwanted as a child, takes a toll on a grown up. Forces them to make terrible decisions out of not knowing what ‘love’ really is and how to decipher when it’s real. Allison is hopeful she will have a game plan by the time this is all over with. After being treated like a human being instead of a house trained animal, there has to be a way to free herself from her slave driving other half. No doubt if she just tells him she wants out, he will probably threaten to kill her. Maybe that was the way. Only time will tell. Anything is better than what she had before.


Antonio couldn’t lie and say Allison wasn’t completely different from before. At first glance he almost confused her with a stranger. He had to look a bit harder to see those eyes he’s had the privilege of staring into during meetings. He knew she had potential to be a looker but he would be damned if he pictured what walked down the stairs. Gone was the oversized, unattractive garments she always wore. Replaced with a sexy yet sophisticated shape forming dress. Instead of short and slutty, this dress showed just enough leg to gain a man’s attention but leaving plenty to the imagination. It would probably be wise of him to pick up a companion for tonight, seeing this image will undoubtedly hunt him in his dreams.

The shoes on her feet were sleek, fashionable, and tall. Bringing her just in reach of his lips if they were acquainted in such a manner. It wouldn’t take too much effort to lean down and brush his lips across her forehead as he has done in his dreams. That thought alone bothered him but the one that was rapidly approaching was too much. Just thinking about having those shapely smooth legs in the air, leaving the heels on for effect was causing a stir in his pants. The vision of her face contorting in a fit of passion was making him stiff and uncomfortable.

“Is everything alright Mr. Mucciono?” His delusional mind was really playing tricks on him. Even her voice had a hint of seduction to his conniving ears.

“Figlio, would it be so hard for your employee to address you as Antonio? Just curious…”



“Don’t mamma and Carlina me!” Carlina barked. “It feels weird. She is practically family. She is living in our home. Everyone calls you Antonio.”

“It’s alright Carlina. Mr. Mucciono…”

“Allison, you may call me Antonio unless we are in or around important company.”

“Yes sir, Mr. Mu… I mean Antonio.”

“What a coincidence, Antonio and Allison? Go figure both start with A’s.” Gio added.

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