Chapter 4: Ariah

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I fight like a wildcat. It takes five humans just to drag me out of the house. They throw us onto the pavement and hold us down. I fight back, trying to bite them. 

Wyndar just grins, thinking it's a joke. He thinks everything is a joke. 

Even the things that aren't.

  The human in charge laughs. I glare, wanting to.... well let's just say it's not pretty. 

"Well, isn't this just heartwarming?" he chuckles. "Three fairies. A savage, a hyena, and a pond." I glance at my mother, who's as placid as a praying monk. So that's why he called her that. 

"What do you want, human?" I sneer, throwing all the scorn I could into the word. He backhands me, and I laugh inwardly. He has just revealed a weakness: 

He's quick to anger. 

I peek at my family again. My mother's eyes are shut tight in concentration. Wyndar's grin is beginning to slip as he realizes that these people are not joking. The head human flicks his hand as he turns away.

 "Take them to the labs." He snaps. 

"Yes, sir."

 My mother's eyes fly open and she breaks one hand out of a human's grasp. She points at me and yells a word in the old language. "Hehbuljairt!"

(Sorry about the short chapters. The reason they're so short is because that makes it easier to switch POVs and it keeps things moving fast enough to hold your ( okay, my) attention. Also because my brain likes slipping into other people's heads. ;) )  

(By the way, you pronounce that 'heh-bull-Jair(like chair but with a j)-tuh'.)

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