"And you trusted him with your life?" Sally asks.

"I can see how well that worked out for you," Y/n says, slowly getting a small headache.

"Try to understand that at that point ai was desperate," the floating head retorts. "I thought he was genuinely loyal to the rest of the Dark Legion."

"So if you're not going to be Enerjak, who is?" Chuck asks the floating head.

"I do not know, Sir Charles. I came looking for aid the moment I realized Finitevus had betrayed me." Dimitri admits. "Yet, I hadn't anticipated the last bastion of "Freedom" on Mobius would be slow to act."

"My first concern is my people," Elias states. "We're not going to rush to arms without a solid plan."

"As a field leader, I can tell you that the Freedom Fighters are ready and willing to go to Angel Island at a moment's notice," Sally states as she steps forward.

"I'm ready to fight as well," Y/n says. "Whoever Enerjak is or will be, pretty sure we can all handle him."

"Then stop this madness before it begins," Dimitri orders.

"But like King Elias said," a porcupine steps in, "we don't want you going without every advantage. We can only spread Nicole and her nanites so thin."

"Dylan," Sally turns to the porcupine, "who says we need to he protected--?"

"Then send the Chaotix," Dimitri says. "They claim Angel Island as their home."

"It's true that the Chaotix are free agents..." Elias says.


"They've risked their lives for my people. They're entitled to protection as much as anyone else."

Down below, Charmy Bee is listening to everything going on. He holds a button on his communicator and speaks.

"Hey, Julie-Su?" he says. "It doesn't sound like the Council is gonna let us look for Knuckles."

"I thought as much."

Not too far outside, Julie-Su is seen with the other Chaotix.

"Keep at it until Dimitri leaves," the pink echidna orders the bee. "Then come back to us."

"Bad news?" Mighty asks Julie-Su as she ends the call.

"Only for them, Mighty," she turns to her team. "Knuckles left for Angel Island and hasn't checked in yet. Now we're told that Enerjak--Knuckles' worst enemy--is coming back. And they want us to stay here where it's "safe"?"

"Julie-Su..." Vector stands up from his seat.

"I know the Chaotix are your team, Vector," Julie-Su tells the crocodile. "I'll go alone if I have to!"

"Chill out! We're with you on this one!" Vector states.

"Alright, then. Let's go grab a flight."


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