Not Enough Bandages

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Aliya looked around and understood the situation. The three were trying to run away and the armed men surrounding them were hunting them down. Daryl tapped her lightly and pointed at the others, "We gotta get out of here." he murmured to her before making his way towards the three attempting to make a run for it. They were heading straight to the armed men so with a nudge, Daryl managed to lead them away. 

Dwight and the other woman followed behind Aliya while Daryl carried the blonde one. There were little to no place to hide but luckily, they found a tangle of burnt branches that provided some leverage. Aliya caught the blonde girl from Daryl's arms before giving her to the other woman who nodded appreciatively. Daryl offered Dwight the gun while he took cover behind the thick tree beside them. 

Only Daryl and Dwight had weapons. Aliya pushed the two women behind her as she peeked in between branches at the armed men. Daryl ruffled some dried leaves, catching the attention of one of the men. He looked aimlessly at their direction and warily made his way towards them, only to be snagged by a walker in a boulder. With a cry, he snatched his arm away but was a second too late as blood pooled on his wound. 

He called for 'Wade' and Wade came after a second, amputating his bitten arm. They know how to deal with a bite too. They know that amputating the part of the bite will stop the spread of the infection. They watched silently as the two men walked back to where the others were. Much to their relief. 

Looking back, Aliya watched as the woman injected the blonde girl with insulin that came from the duffel bag Daryl tried to hide from her. She glanced up at him and nodded, letting him know she appreciated his gesture. Dwight scoffed in disbelief, "Why the hell did you come back?" he asked incredulously, looking between Aliya and Daryl. 

Daryl grunted while Aliya looked away from them. "Maybe we're stupid too." he answered for them both. 


The brunette one was Honey while the blonde one was Tina, as Aliya discovered. Dwight and the others thought that they were a part of the group before which is why they reacted so roughly. It was understandable, the armed men seemed to be extremely bad news. They couldn't blame Dwight and the others for being careful. 

Aliya watched with crossed arms as Tina made her way in between the burnt corpse with a bunch of yellow flowers in her hand. Dwight, Honey and Daryl were in the middle of their conversation when a series of crunches followed by Tina's screams caught their attention. Daryl and Aliya ran towards Tina and stabbed the two walkers in the head. 

Honey released a pained screeched as she scrambled towards Tina with tears running down her face. Tina gurgled as she started drowning in her own blood, her skin turning paler by the second. And after a few seconds, Tina was gone. 

Aliya sat beside the silent Honey while Daryl and Dwight dug for Tina's grave. Honey has been unresponsive since her last tears fell for Tina which is no problem for Aliya who had nothing more to say. Daryl and Aliya's eyes connected before Daryl turned to face Dwight who was still focused on digging the hole. "How many walkers have you killed?" he asked, waiting for Dwight's answer. 

The question took Dwight by surprise as he stopped digging to look straight at Daryl. "Just answer the question." Aliya backed Daryl up as Dwight remained silent. Dwight's forehead creased in confusion, "A lot." he answered with a shrug, not understanding what the importance was. "How many people have you killed?" Daryl questioned smoothly. 

Aliya understood what Daryl was doing. He was trying to recruit Honey and Dwight, trying to get them to come with them back to Alexandria. The three questions Rick and the council founded. "None." Dwight answered with conviction so strong it almost seemed like he was offended that Daryl even asked. 


Without looking at Daryl, Dwight elaborated on his answer saying that killing a man was a line he could never uncross. Killing somebody will make it impossible to go back to the way things were. He's right, Aliya bitterly thought. Once Daryl caught Aliya's eyes, she nodded as if to agree with whatever decision he already made. No words were needed, their eyes communicated perfectly. 

Daryl offered Dwight some information about how they lived back in Alexandria, how far it was, that they were going to meet two friends who can give both of them a ride. It seemed that Honey and Dwight were on board when a familiar click made Daryl curse under his breath. Aliya jumped and turned to snatch the gun but Dwight warned her against it, pulling her in front of him as a hostage. 

Aliya's jaw clenched as she looked to the side, avoiding Daryl's gaze while trying to stare Honey down. Dwight's hold was tight but not painful, much different than before. Dwight apologised before waving his gun at Daryl, "Give her the crossbow." he ordered, nodding towards Honey who inched towards Dwight and Aliya. 

Daryl's face contorted at their betrayal, hurt that after all they did, they were still screwing them over. "You gonna kneel?" Daryl's question seemed to strike a nerve as Dwight shot near his head. Aliya jumped in shock as she watched Daryl stare Dwight down, unflinching. Dwight slowly aimed the gun at Aliya's temple, pushing deep as a warning. Daryl, without looking away, took his bow off of his back and passed it to Honey. 

Dwight passed the gun to Honey and slowly passed Aliya as well. Honey's hold on her was sloppy and tight, causing discomfort. The standoff lasted quite a while as Dwight struggled to pull Daryl's bike up straight. With a lively roar, Daryl's bike came alive, signalling for Honey to let Aliya go. Daryl caught Aliya before she fell to the ground while his eyes never left Dwight and Honey. 

Aliya glared as Honey threw some bandages on the ground, telling them to patch themselves up. She wanted to scream that the bandages weren't enough for the stab wounds on their back but she bit her lip instead. Honey looked in between them with regret in her eyes, "We're sorry." she offered while Dwight nodded in agreement. 

"You're gonna be." 

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