Authors Note

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hey *stomps light up shoes*

I realised a bit too late that I never gave this baby of mine a goodbye authors note, and I'm writing this after capo hit 5k jsjdjdjdjjfjfjs crying rn anyways

this book was my entire life for like a month a while back and I haven't gotten over it yet BUT thank you for reading my baby <3 ily

I have another book????? Well 2 actually but the one I'm writing rn is *chefs kiss* I don't want to compare my book bfs buuuuut.... Lucifer> Giovanni SORRY

Nevertheless, if you like me or my writing, you should defs go check Lucifer out, it's pretty far already and I post 3 times a week <3

Again, all jokes aside, thank you sm for reading, I love you sm sm sm <3

-Dee ♡

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