42. Green dress *

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tw: Knife play, public sex, Dom!sub vibes, if any of these make you uncomfortable, please skip. Other than that,

Enjoy, sinners.


It was a week since Giovanni woke up.

Arabella spoken to the principal of Primrose High and requested leave, although she felt quite horrible about it.

But she thought she needed it, and thankfully they allowed her without questions asked. She told Cleo and Joy what was happening and they were beyond excited for her, told her to look after herself and that they loved her.

So now all that was left was packing.

Giovanni told her to pack everything she deemed worthy of wearing in Italy, and she had complained that she didn't have a single item she could where in her dream country.

And now they were stood in front of a clothing store.

Giovanni was almost healed fully, the wounds had healed perfectly, but they were still sensitive, and he still limped slightly.

Giovanni was leaned against his black Aston Martin, smiling widely as Arabella stood in front of him, waiting for him to finish his cigarette. She wore a pair of skinny jeans and one of his button ups tucked into the jean, the top few buttons unbuttoned.

"God, you look good in my shirt," He said. Arabella smiled, looking down at the fabric, "Yeah? I'd look better without it though, don't you think?"

Giovanni huffed out a laugh, "Oh, I don't think, my love. I know," He flirted. She smiled at him and his smirk turned into a wide grin, the upper half of his face covered by black sunglasses. His hair was brushed back neatly and he wore a navy button up shirt, and his usual black dress trousers.

"Have you packed yet?" She asked him, tilting her head to the side. Giovanni nodded slowly, "Everything is sorted, love. I'm just waiting on you,"

She watched him flick away the butt of his cigarette, walking towards her as he took the sunglasses from his face, hanging them on his shirt. "Ready?" He asked, slinging an arm over her shoulders as she turned to face the shop.

She nodded, smiling. They made their way inside, and Giovanni merely nodded at the front desk lady before he directed his girl towards the racks of clothes, her eyes nearly bulging out of her head.

Before she could reach out to look at the price of a pretty yellow dress, Giovanni had grabbed her hand, bringing it to his chest, "Don't look at the prices, doll. Take whatever you want,"

She warily looked at him, her eyes narrowed, "Why?" She drew the question out, using her other hand to reach for it. Giovanni's much longer arm lunged for hers and and he caught it, "Because you'll argue with me and I won't argue back, I'll just pull you over my knee, capisco?"

"No, I have to see. I already feel bad enough that you're buying me things, atleast let me know how much they are, please?"


"Come on! I won't argue, I promise, okay?"

Giovanni voice hummed in disbelief, Arabella noticing how his eyes narrowed at her, sceptical of her promise. "Fine, if I hear one complaint—"

"You'll pull me over your knee, I know, I know," She brushed him off, pulling her hands from his, "You threaten me with that every day but it never happens, I don't know if I should actually take you serious or not,"

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