24. Stood up *

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tw: Praising. Spit kink. If that makes you uncomfortable, please skip this chapter.

an: remember when I said this chapter would be up in thirty? yeah I lied.


"Your dad knows,"

Arabella looked up, frowning hard at Giovanni as he entered their bedroom, shutting the door behind him.

"Knows what, Gio?"

"He knows about—" He paused, running his hands through his hair, "—He knows about what I do," He mumbled, plopping down on the bed, his back facing upwards.

Arabella was in the process of brushing out her hair at her dresser, but she stopped and stood, making her way towards Giovanni. "It's fine, baby. He won't say anything,"

Giovanni jolted up, his lips pulled into a large, toothy smile. She frowned again, "What?" She asked, raising her left brow in question.

"You called me baby,"

She rolled her eyes, laughing softly. "Are you leaving tomorrow? For work?" She asked, making her way back to her desk.

"I am—"

"Good. I'm going out with Olivia and Fiona tomorrow, so I'll see you when I get back,"

Giovanni smiled, "Don't be late for dinner, I don't want to be left alone with your mother," Arabella parted her lips, looking at him, "Come on! She's not that bad. She's just... strict,"

Giovanni merely hummed before he made his way to the girl, pressing a kiss to her temple, slipping past her and to her ensuite bathroom.

Arabella was already in bed when Giovanni finished in the shower, and the girl missed the perfect opportunity to gawk at his exposed torso before he slipped into bed behind her. Not wasting a second in looping his arm around her narrow waist and pulling her flush against his back.

"Buona notte, tesoro."
[Good night, treasure]

"Buona notte, mi amore," She replied softly, her skin set aflame by him. She turned, pressing her face into the crook of his neck, making the man hum in content.
[Good night, my love.]

Giovanni was an extremely light sleeper. But he didn't hear Arabella shuffling the next morning and he also didn't hear her mutter profanities as her still sleeping legs betray her as she stumbled and nearly crashed into her dresser.

But he awoke when he felt the sun on his face and he groaned, throwing his forearm over his eyes, attempting to block out the sun.

Giovanni felt a presence next to him and when he lifted his arm and pried his eyes open, Arabella was sat next to him, her eyes scanning over his chest and then she smiled, her dainty fingers holding a mug filled with dark, strong coffee.

"What time is it?" The man questioned in his gruff, raspy morning voice.

"Five passed seven," She replied gently.

Giovanni smiled sitting up lazily. "Good morning," She whispered, holding out the mug to him. "Morning, doll," He spoke, taking the mug from her hand and bringing it to his lips.

"I'm leaving in a few, I wanted to say goodbye before I left,"

Giovanni's brows shot up and his tired, sleepy eyes watched her from over his mug, "What are you doing today?" He questioned, putting the mug in his palm.

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