1. One Shall Be Lost In The Land Without Rain

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Disclaimer: I don't own Bianca or any character or setting in this chapter


"Bianca! No!" Percy shouted as she ran to the metal giant.

She knew she wouldn't survive it. She was in the desert, and the prophecy said that someone would die on a land without rain. She'd rather have it be her than those friends she'd made... Could she call them friends? She felt like they kind of were, but they hadn't known each other for long. Did they consider her a friend? Did Zöe see her as a friend or just as the next liteutnant? Did Percy actually care for her, or was he pretending to?

Bianca had never had any friends, and her head hurt with all her worries about them.

And now that she had her first friends... She was going to die. Because of a stupid figurine for her stupid brother.

She still didn't understand why she'd gotten it, but there was no going back anymore.

Unless... Bianca tried to remember exactly the prophecy. Did it really say someone would die? There was that one line that basically said Zöe would die but... One shall be lost in the land without rain. Lost. That didn't necessarily mean dying, did it?

If she could find a way to turn off the enormous robot and then disappear... She would be lost. She could find a way to live on her own, found by no one. But she had to focus on the task at hand first.

Thanks to her new huntress abilities, getting inside the giant was easy and quick. In just a few seconds, she was in a control space under its foot.

It was a quite desorienting place to say the least. Buttons, levers and cables filled all four walls, barely inches of metal visible beneath them. The constant movement of the robot didn't help the place look any better, and Bianca stared for a second wondering what should she do.

It was a lucky thing that one required absolutely no knowledge of mechanics to destroy a machine from the inside. Bianca pulled from cables, pressed buttons, and did everything she could to contribute to the chaotic environment.

She stopped suddenly after a *brusc* movement as panic seized her. Realization sank in, as she accepted the fact that she would die. She could even see the Styx river, and Charont's boat about to take a group of souls to the Underworld. Was she actually just imagining it? Or was she dead already and she'd gotten there really fast?

If she wasn't dead yet, she would be in a couple of seconds, she knew. She hoped she had successfully stopped the giant, her friends were counting on her. The kind-of blurry image she'd seen of the Styx river moments ago finally took over the dark chamber she'd been in moments ago. She was dead, and she didn't know if she'd managed to save her friends.

She just knew that one had been lost in the land without rain, and that the prophecy was one step closer from being completed.

Word count: 505
I cant believe im posting this again?? I hope i dont leave you on hold like my other version but imo this ones gonna be better :) ive had this on my drafts for a while and i have a vouple chapters written already so ig ill be pretty consistent at first.
So this is basically the same as on the other version but i like it better this way? Idk maybe that's just me lol
So i wasn't really liking where the other fanfic was going and i had a huuuge writer's block so i just decided to go back and basically change the whole plot xd the characters are still the same lol they may have kiinda different backstories but their personalities are the same (except bianca, i really don't like her in the other version)
So wish me luck ig :)

Lost || A Bianca DiAngelo fanfic || Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now