CH: 7 What do you think?

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"Success and Money always talk; let's talk about different areas around the world. Let's say a successful, wealthy family in South Korea; daughter goes missing. It would get more news coverage than missing girls that have been missing for months in South Korea, just because the missing girl is from a successful, wealthy family." I said.

"The same implies if the person was in India, India does have issues with colorism as well sometimes, let's say there was a young girl from a wealthy family, that is successful and is light skin who's gone missing. She would get more news coverage versus the village dark skin Indian girl missing for months. Honestly, the dark skin girl that's been missing for months might not even get any coverage." I said, shaking my head.

"Money, Status, Ethnicity. These are things that are talked about when it comes to many things going on; these are things that imply who get's coverage of being missing, murdered, assaulted, crimes held against them, and many more. If you're a successful, wealthy person of whatever ethnicity, you will get coverage regardless because you're a successful, wealthy person that something horrible happened to." I said, shrugging my shoulder.

"If you're from a certain status of a family, loving and is white, you will get more coverage than someone who grew up in the system, from a not so loving family, and who is missing. Also, ethnicity, for some reason, plays a role in who gets coverage. I mentioned before if I went missing around the same time, Pam would go missing, but let's say we didn't know each other or didn't go missing together, she would get more coverage than me. Still, if Pam went missing, around the same time one of your siblings went missing, they would get way more coverage than Pam. You understand what I am trying to say?" I asked Liam, hoping I didn't lose him.

"Oh, yeah, I've been listening to every single word that has been coming out of your mouth, and I agree with you; it's true. Money, fame, status, success will always have the upper hand on race, but if you don't have those things but come from a family that people see as loving, and you're white, then that also plays in. You and I are acknowledging that money, fame, status, success controls the majority of the world we live in, but so does a person's background and ethnicity. This has been an issue for years in many places of the world." Liam said, shaking his head letting out a sigh.

"Exactly, if you're someone wealthy and successful, you get more coverage than the others; if you're someone from a certain favoritism ethnicity, or skin tone, or background, you get more coverage than the other," I said.

I leaned against the fridge and shrugged my shoulder.

"I am a black woman who has grown up in the system since I was eight years old. Who's had a horrible past and rough time in foster care, so I did get coverage, but it wasn't a lot of coverage. Another quite sad thing is beauty. Beauty plays in it as well." I said, letting out a humorless laugh.

"You're beautiful, so I'm assuming you also got the coverage you got because of because of your looks?" Liam asked me.

I tried not to feel anything from hearing him call me Beautiful and nodded my head.

"Yes, exactly, the beautiful antique store owner and black woman who's grown up in the system and aged out from the system, who worked hard for everything that she's own and has, has gone missing. Definitely made some coverage but not as much as anyone from your family would or how much Pam would." I said.

"Pam told me what she did," Liam said, and I nodded my head.

"Yeah, Pam was going at those officers nonstop, she was calling them at the house and demanding them to do investigation around the house to see if they could find evidence, she was at their station every day, she made tons of social media posts about me, she even paid for a missing billboard for me to be placed on the highway," I said, the sadness getting to me.

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