Riley perks up. "You don't know?"

"Riley," Ashton hisses. "Don't."

Riley sticks her tongue out at him and turns back to me.

"It's Olive."

I start choking instantly. Riley panics and comes to my side to pat my back.

"I'm alright," I tell her and turn to Ashton.

The boy refuses to look at me. Then I remember the day when I told him my middle name.

He had this amused look on his face. I didn't understand it then, but now I know what it was for.

Time passes, but Ashton doesn't dare to look at me. I also refuse to look away. Finally, he sighs and looks at me.

'Don't-do-dare to say it,' Ashton mouths.

And that does it. I burst into a roar of laughter, earning our neighboring tables' attention.

Ashton curses under his breath and Riley looks between us.

"What happened?" She asks.

I try to contain my laughter. But nothing works. Ashton also refuses to answer.

Finally, when I succeed in achieving it, I say- "Your brother and I share the same middle name."

Riley turns from me to her brother, who nods grumpily. There are two tiny red dots on his cheeks.

Riley starts laughing too and pats him on the cheek.  "I'm really sorry for you, brother."

Ashton only grumbles in reply.

Am I the only one who thinks there's a double meaning behind it?

I mentally shrug and let it go.

Once I manage to get a hold of the laughter, I drink my Oreo shake and look past Ashton at the clock.

I almost split the drink out. "I'm busted!"

Ashton turns to me. "Really?"

I ignore him. "I need to call mom-" I search for my phone in my pockets, but it's nowhere. Suddenly I remember I never brought it with me. I left it plugged in so it would charge.

"I need to go home now," I announce. Ashton sets on his foot.

"Alright let's go," he starts but I stop him.

"You guys should stay," I tell him. "I can walk home."

Ashton shakes his head. "That'll be a waste of time, plus it's getting late, we have to go home too."

Riley has finished her ice cream already, so I pick up my smoothie as we start our journey to Ashton's car.

I wonder if mom and dad tried to call me. The school must've already reported to them about my absence. And Kat, oh Kat! I've almost forgotten she has gone to Florida. I told her to call me once she reached there.

Ashton pulls in front of my house.

"Thank you guys so much," I turn to face them. "I had so much fun today. Sorry, we had to cut it short because of me."

Ashton waves a hand. "It's alright. It was getting late anyway."

Riley agrees with him and hugs me. "Please come to visit us," she pulls back. "Ashton never lets me meet with his girlfriends. But I'm so glad he let me meet you."

And there's that awkward pause again.

Riley looks between us. "What?" From the corner of my eyes, I see Ashton sending her a deathly glare. She huffs and falls back on her seat.

I look at Ashton's face and my eyes unconsciously fall on his lips.

My eyes move up and find him doing the same. His eyes meet mine. Thankfully it's dark outside otherwise Ashton would've noticed the redness of my cheeks.

I clear my throat. "Thanks for the day again," I try to smile without looking flushed.

Ashton also smiles awkwardly. "Anytime," he mutters.

We hold each other's gaze for a while before I look away and get out of the car. I don't wait for them to drive away before hurrying inside.

Grisbee runs down the stairs when she hears the door opening.

"Come on girl, let's get your food," I take her to the kitchen. There's nobody at home today except for me. I lock the backdoor before walking to my room. When I pick up my phone it's dead.

My brow furrows and I check the switch and find it turned off. I slap myself and turn it on this time.

Mom might've called me earlier and found it switched off. She must be worried. So I check our landline. There's a voicemail from Kat asking why I wasn't picking my phone and that they had arrived in Florida safely.

I try to call Mom but it goes straight to voicemail.

Strange, it never happened before.  I try dad's phone but he's not picking up either.

'Don't worry, they are two grown adults, they must've gone somewhere out of network reach,' My consciousness reasons. So I let it go.

I take a shower afterward and go to bed. The silence of the house seems odd.

I probably should've gone over to Miles' tonight. But it's too late to regret it.

A yawn lefts my mouth. I haven't realized until now how tired I am. I walk inside the closet to change my clothes. My eyes immediately fall on the survival theory. And then the camera bag laying down beside it.

When was the last time I used it? Without thinking, I walk over and pick it up.

My hands hesitate to open it. Shall I? It's been so long, three years since I last touched it. It might not even work anymore.

I sigh and let it be. It's too late to go back anyway. I change into my pajamas and carry myself to the bed. A smile creeps into my face as I recall the day. Riley was such a darling. And Ashton, he was so caring all day. Who knew Ashton Fellan's company could ever make me feel this good?

I roll over the bed and bury my face in the duvet as I fall into a peaceful sleep.



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