Everything You Missed + Behind the Scenes

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Hi there!
Now that SMPRonpa is over, I'm gonna go over all the planning that I originally had, and all the hints as to who the murderer was, who the mastermind was, etc.


Technoblade was going to be the original mastermind. Before I decided I'd make him kill Dream and be executed. I gave up on both of these plans when my friends harassed me since they loved Technoblade so much, and I eventually just let him be a survivor. Wilbur was always considered, but only very later made it to be the mastermind. I went through Techno, to Phil, to Dream, to Schlatt -- before finally just going with Wil. Though I was kind of sad I couldn't give a lot of SBI development in the fic, with two dying immediately.

When I decided Phil would die, initially I planned for him to be locked in a room, beaten to death by a guitar and hung to the wall in a crucified pose with capos (they aren't sharp - so not sure how this would work). I realised this would be really obviously Wilbur's murder, so I scrapped it - the gory idea was still kind of cool imo.

I was going to have a motive for murder temporarily being that until somebody was killed, anyone who fell asleep would die. With this, I planned for Skeppy and Bad to sleepover together to try and- well - not sleep. I planned for them to talk, and then sit in silence for a while. Skeppy looks over and notices Bad is being very silent, before realising that he fell asleep. He tries to give him CPR, it doesn't work, and he sobs and sobs and feels so guilty he impulsively grabs a knife from the beside table and stabs himself, and a trial commences wondering if it was actually a murder. I felt too awful about this, and I already had plans about who the survivors would be at this point, so this was scrapped -- although part of me thinks this would have been cool.

Before I decided that Wilbur would be the mastermind, I planned for the computer room where they found the files and photographs to be completely locked - until Ghostbur arrived after Wil died. Ghostbur could go through walls, so he would discover all the information and hand them the photos from the room. I loved this idea, but unfortunately a Ghostbur wouldn't make sense if Wil was alive. This lead me to consider other masterminds, but ultimately Tommy and Wilbur are a very popular duo and having them as masterminds together would probably be the most liked idea.

I wish I did more with Karl and Sapnap's character -- thing is, I don't watch those two very often, so I don't know how they act. I could've made Karl less sleepy and more goofy and I could've made Sapnap way more friendly instead of immediately spiteful of everyone.

Speaking of missed out development, I missed a lot of Schlatt development. He was going to go all wild in front of everyone, but he wasn't meant to within 2 chapters, I feel like I really missed out on making him a character you can feel sympathy with due to it. If I remade this, it would be chapter 4-5 he goes like that, the rest would be slow development leading up to it, and he wouldn't be an ass constantly. I wish I made him more likable. 

I do prefer what I did to my original plan though. For some reason I had the idea of Schlatt going crazy by not trusting anyone and then killing Minx, immediately regretting it. I quickly realized this isn't an act you can easily feel sympathy for -- people don't just kill out of an anxiety unless they're truly fucked up, so that never happened luckily.

I never originally planned for any of the executed characters (minus wilbur) to end up alive in the last chapter. I just realized it'd be a bit of a sad ending if literally 99% of them were dead and the ones remaining were the least popular duos. So I gave Quackity a friend and Techno a friend and Tommy a dad again. And Jack got his whoppers, and it all ended up... sad, but at least it was okay.

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