Sora and his two friends walked around the back of the workshop, and sure enough, sitting on the snow, was a door that looked like one of the doors that lead to Mark's games. "So... it really is a game door?"

"Well, remember what Dark-Blade said. It's all apart of the Fictional Dimension. Three branches, TV/Movie Dimension, Book Dimension, and Game Dimension."

"But we have yet to see any pocket universes, for the TV/Movie Dimension and the Book Dimension!" Roxas said. "Uh... didn't we go into that one world with the talking trains?" Hayner asked

"You mean, talking locomotives." Sora said, thinking about Mark. That's something he'd say. "And no, that was like an infusion. Apparently, since his younger brother, James, has this old Thomas and Friends game, it opened a world"

"But how.... how did it infuse with the TV show?" Hayner asked, looking at the door. Sora shrugged. "I don't know."

They looked at the door.

It was strange. The door had nothing on it. Yes, it resembled one of the game doors, but the game doors has art on them, that resembles that world that is beyond it. The Minecraft door, has a pixelated dirt block, Thomas and Friends, has Thomas's number on the door, and Little Nightmares, shows an eye.

But this door that was out in the back of Santa's workshop, had not a single indication of what was beyond the door.

Sora, was of course already walking up to the door, getting ready to open it. He took a deep breath as he put his hand on the door knob. What was beyond the door? Mark has some very questionable games that he recently got.

He turned the doorknob, and peaked through. All he saw was snow.

'What the-'

Sora took his head from out the door, and looked to the other side to make sure he wasn't actually looking through an empty door frame.

Turns out, it wasn't.

There was a wall behind the workshop. But, trough the door, the wall wasn't there.

"Sora, what do you see?" Roxas called out. "I don't know. It's just snow!"

"...Snow? You're sure it's not actually just a normal door and you're looking right trough the other side?" Roxas asked. Hayner snorted.

Sora sighed. "No... the wall isn't there-"

Hayner walked up to him, and looked trough the door. "He's right..."

Sora walked in. "Hey, where are you going? It looks safe, we should probably leave-" Hayner said. But Sora didn't listen to him and stepped right through.

Roxas shrugged, and walked ahead of Hayner, into the door. Hayner sighed and followed him.

There was just snow all over. But, they walked into something like what looked like a neighborhood. A neighborhood that looked like one from Mark's world. "Where is this? Are we back in Mark's world?" Sora asked.

Then, the door closed.

More like, slammed.

It scared them all

"What the?!" Hayner yelped, and turned around, only to see that the door materialized out of existence. It vanished.

Hayner gasped, then looked behind him at Sora and Roxas, who saw the door vanish. Sora's eyes went wide. They where trapped in this pocket universe.

Hayner sighed. "Good going Sora. Now we can't get back..."

"What are we gonna do?" Roxas asked. Sora didn't know WHAT to do. He really wanted to keep his promise to Mark, but now he couldn't even do that. He knew that needed to find a away back. "Let's walk around or something. This is clearly a new world, or probably a new game Mark's got. Remember how the new games have gems."

"But... we don't have to find the gems anymore-" Hayner said. Roxas nodded. "Yeah, didn't we take care of that?"

"Yes, but still, it has a gem. And when you find the gem of the world, a door back to home will appear-" Sora said.

Roxas nodded. "Right... but.. how are we going to find this gem? Finding the past gems in Mark's games was so tiring. Especially in Los Santos..."

Hayner agreed. "Yeah, this world could be very big for all we know-"

"Guys, we found the gem in No Man's Sky didn't we? That was a whole entire 7 billion planet experience." Sora said. "Luckily, we only had to go to a few-"

Sora nodded. "Yeah, that's true-"

"I guess we should probably start looking around or something-" Hayner said. "We are the gem finder trio" Hayner said smiling.

"Did you just come up with that?" Roxas asked.

Kingdom Hearts Dimensions: Holiday Adventure जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें