Chapter 8: Man's Best Friend(s)

Start from the beginning

Mitzi: "On what scale?"

Vincent: "I'd say weirder than the devious lick challenge."

Mitzi: "Pfttt! Shiiiit." She stirred her drink with the tiny wooden stirrer. "You're not wrong though. Kids your age are wylin'."

My eyebrow raised. What the hell does she mean kids my age?

Vincent: "Hey, uh, personal question. How old are you?" I asked.

Mitzi: "Twenty." I did a double take.

Vincent: "Wait huh?!" I practically yell. Mitzi rolled her eyes.

Mitzi: "Oh, hush. Yeah. I'm twenty." She giggled. "Don't let these little doe eyes confuse you, dork. I do look younger than I appear."

The wolf punched my shoulder. That statement brought up a lot of questions.

Vincent: "Yeah, I can see that. But like...h-how did you even get into my school without like, paperwork or something?"

Mitzi donned a sly smile, giving me bedroom eyes.

Mitzi: "I have my ways." She made a handjob gesture with her fist.

Vincent: "O-oh." I mumbled, my face a shade of crimson.

Vincent: "I-I knew my principal is irresponsible but I never thought he would be under that type of influence." I said, gesturing towards the wolf.

Mitzi tossed her coffee in a trash can.

Mitzi: "What can I say? A pretty girl like me has business."

My eyes harden.

Vincent: "What business? Blowing principals dicks?" I adjusted my backpack strap. "Tell me the truth. Why did you come and get me? What's your purpose?"

Mitzi's face tensed up.

Mitzi: "Ummm, about that...did you want the short answer or the long answer?"

Vincent: "Spare me the details. Short answer, please."

Mitzi: "Alright, but once I tell you, don't freak out, okay?"

I start to semi freak out. On the Inside I mean. She hasn't even told me anything yet. These past few events have been very questionable to say the least. I swallowed.

Vincent: "Bombs away."

Mitzi: "So uh, basically..." She faltered. "You're superhuman. Kind of."

I stop walking. I laugh out loud.

Vincent: "PFFT! You're out of your mind! Hahaha!" I say wiping a tear from my cheek. Mitzi looked at me with a cold hard glare.

Mitzi: "Vincent. Deadass."

I stop laughing. We meet eyes.

Vincent: "D-deadass...?"

Mitzi: "Deadass."

I start to fully freak out. On the inside again.

Vincent: "W-what is that supposed to mean?" I ask in a haunted tone.

Mitzi put her hand on my shoulder.

Mitzi: "Look, V, don't overthink it, you'll probably die of overstimulated brain cells."

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