"Yes, nice to meet you Bennett. Your performance was astounding." Cory's dad stated. "Especially that last piece that you played. Very impressive. We should talk some more. I think there are some people that you should meet." he took Bennett's hand again before escorted his wife off. 

"You're parents are nice." Bennett said as they watched them walk away.

"Eh... yeah they can be a bit weird. But they really like you. My dad just doesn't like mushy stuff, and mum's a bit like you when you meet new people, who are... let's say regular people like me."

"I like them." Bennett stated again. "They get to the point and say exactly what is needed. No other messy business to get in the way. I appreciate that." he smiled up at Cory.

"You do? Seriously?" Cory leaned in to kiss him. Pulling him Closer, Cory whispered in his ear, "Is it time to go home now, boyfriend?

"I think that's the best idea of the whole night!" he laughed at Cory, leaving him to pick up his coat and violin.


Cory had never been so happy in his life. It seemed that finally everything in life was going his way. He had the perfect life he'd always dreamed of, but never thought he could have. Doing what he liked with the man he loved. 

He had to admit that it wasn't always easy, though. He wanted to get things done right now, while Bennett tended to think things over quietly before reaching a conclusion. Or when he got so lost in his music that if he's interrupted, he would snap and lash out sharply. They spent so much time together that Cory became very familiar with Bennett and his inner workings. The intricate clockwork that made up his mind. 

Opening the front door, Cory gave Chrissie a hug and kiss, before heading upstairs. Tonight was a big night for him. Well for both of them really. He thought to keep things simple and casual. Bennett liked things quiet and low key in his private life, which took the stress of what he was going to be asking away a little. Patting his jacket pocket to make sure it's still there, he grinned. Now all he could hope for was that Bennett would say yes!

Standing outside the door, Cory took a deep breath and went to sit on the bed where Bennett was reading.

"Looks heavy?" Cory said leaning over to kiss his cheek. 

"I'm going through hell and Danté is nowhere near the end of it." he sighed, putting the book down. "Cory, I actually wanted to talk to you about something." Bennett sat up to look at Cory.

Immediately his heart sank. What now? Was Bennett going to spoil his carefully made plan, maybe he should stop him and go first. Coming to  this conclusion he opened his mouth, "Bennett let me go first..."

Bennett held his fingers to Cory's lips. "No, I will speak and you will listen. You won't interrupt me until I'm done, is that clear?" he said quietly, but firmly. 

"But Ben..." he started.

"Okay, no sex for a week then." All he could do was look at Bennett, nodding. "See that wasn't so difficult." Bennett smiled at him.  

"Cory, we've been together for a while now. You have been so good to me, even if I'm a bit pissy sometimes or if I'm in a bad mood and won't talk for days. You have been open from the start, making me feel safe and loved. I think that maybe I haven't been as honest with you." 

Bennett stopped to look over at him. "I'm better at music than at words, but somehow you still seem to understand me and you never get tired of me playing all time of the day. And you don't mind that I don't like sports, but you still let me sit with you, even if I fall asleep after ten minutes." Bennett wanted to get it all out. He wanted to be sure that Cory understood exactly what he said.  

What I'm trying to say is, Cory, will you -  wait" he suddenly jumped up to grab a packet from his desk and handed it to Cory.

Taking it, Cory looked at Bennett in surprise. Inside the box was a silver pendant of a violin in relief against a wall. He took it out, marveling at the pendant, then looking up at Bennett, with love. "Look at the back" Bennett prompted him.

Turning the pendant around, was a small inscription 'Your Bennett Forever', when Cory read the inscription, he threw his arms around Bennett, giving him a long kiss. "Thank you, it's perfect!" Cory whispered against his mouth. But Bennett pushed him off.

"Wait, I have to speak, no interruptions remember?" he admonished Cory. 

"Cory, I love you. I love you so much that it hurts when you're not near me. I want you to be the home that I come to when I tired, happy, sad, or when the world is against me." he carried on earnestly. "Will you allow me to be your Bennett forever?" he said leaning closer to Cory,

Bennett reached inside his T-shirt and pulling out the silver bull Cory had given him, now on a chain around his neck. "Will you be my pushy bull, who keeps breaking down my walls so that I don't run away from the world again?" he asked holding the small, shining pendant in his hand.

Inside Cory sighed with relief and almost exploded from excitement. "To answer your question, I want to ask you a question." he leaned forward to kiss Bennett.

"Questions don't answer questions. Makes no sense." Bennett shook his head at Cory.

"When have I ever made sense to you?" Cory laughed softly. Then he reached into his pocket and took out the velvet box and handed it to Bennett.

When he opened it, Bennett was surprised to see a house key gleaming inside. Taking it out, he turned it over in his hand, looking questioningly at Cory. "What's this for?" he asked confused.

"That my forever Bennett is the answer to your question. Will you move in with me? Will you make my house our home?"

Bennett smiled throwing himself into Cory's arms, knocking him over. 

"I take it that's a yes then?" Cory chuckled holding Bennett close to him.

"For you, it will always be a yes! I love you Cory, much more than I can ever tell you." he kissed Cory again.

"Shall we go and tell the world then?" Cory sat up excited again, his eyes sparkling.

"Why don't I show you how much I love you instead..." Bennett, still laying on the bed, was drawing lazy circles on his back." But if you still want to tell the world, then I won't stop you." 

Cory immediately plopped down so that he was on top of Bennett. "I think you should show me first..." he leaned in to kiss Bennett passionately, knowing that life could not get any better than this. 



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