Will You?

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When Bennett reached the atrium, he surprised at the crowd of people still milling about. Victor gave him a high five and Ellie a hug.

"You did brilliant mate! Did you see how those girls reacted? It was like they wanted to rip your clothes off and..."

"Okay, I think we all get the picture, thanks Victor," Ellie shut him up. "Great performance though, especially the last part." 

"Thanks Ellie," Bennett said with a grin. "Where is Cory?"

"He was off talking to some people a while ago..." Ellie trailed off. "Hi Blue," she called out.

Bennett turned around to see Blue dressed in formal wear. The emerald green of her dress complimenting her red hair perfectly. She looked completely different to the Blue that they had come to know.

"Hey guys." she said shyly, which was unusual for her. "I'd like you to meet my dad... Dad this is Bennett, Bennett... dad, the dumb looking one is Victor and that's Ellie."

Bennett hadn't expected Blue's dad all dressed up to the nines in an expensive black suit, with a bright orange tie. He was tall with a bush of red hair similar to Blue's. Bennett realised he had pictured him as jailbirds look like in movies, instead, he was surprised by this soft spoken smartly dressed man.

"Bennett!" He grabbed Bennett's hand in his steely grip. "Blue has told me a lot about you, I feel like we're family already! Let me introduce my sons," he turned to the three men behind him. One lean and tall like his father, the other two burly and muscled.

"I must say," he continued after his sons had almost shaken Bennett's arms off. "After hearing you play, I can see why Blue insisted I come. We should talk some more when you come over again. My wife and I would be happy to sponsor your studies." He smiled, turning to speak to Ellie and Victor.

Grabbing Bennett by the arm, Blue pulled him away. "Something's up, isn't it?" she turned to him when they were by themselves. "You're going to do something." she accused him.

"Don't worry Blue, I know exactly what I am doing." he smiled. "And who knows, I may have done it already!" he grinned at her. She smiled and nodded, giving him a tight hug and rushed off to her father.

"Bennett?" Cory was standing in front of him, black slacks, and a blue shirt complimenting his looks well. 

Smiling Bennett looked at him. "Did you like it?"

"You did that? For me?" Cory asked astounded. "It must have taken... Oh my forever angel baby Bennett, thank you." he reached out to Bennett who put his hands on Cory shoulders and leant in for a kiss. After a moment Bennett pulled away. 

"I have to schmooze. Will you stay by my side, manager?" Bennett grinned taking his hand.

"And boyfriend!" Cory protested. "You said a wink and a nod meant boyfriend and manager!" he pulled Bennett back.

"Come on," he tugged Cory, "schmooze first, boyfriend later." he smiled broadly, moving to the people milling about. 

Immediately he was accosted by his online fans for a picture with him. He looked at Cory for help. But he'd thought of everything. A photographer quickly moved toward them, snapping pictures with all his fans, while Bennett signed their programs. He still wasn't used to the programs Cory had designed with those pictures of him, but he trusted Cory completely. Of that he was certain.

Once most of the excitement had died down, Bennett was getting a bottle of water from the bar when Cory came over. He smiled, then noticed a couple standing behind him, Bennett reached over to greet them.

"Mum, dad, this is my Bennett!" Cory said proudly standing next to Bennett, taking his hand.

"So nice to meet finally meet you Bennett. Cory's been talking about you as if you're a magical, mythical creature, I almost thought you didn't exist." she laughed at  him. "But everything Cory said was true." she nodded to her son with a smile.

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