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Author's Note: I just couldn't help myself!  Enjoy :)

A Few Months Later

Niall was excited to get back to the beach house and hang out withal his old friends. It was their annual weeklong meet up. The first weekend the guys would usually bring their significant others, if they had one, and though he wasn't bringing her along, he did have a new flame that he was excited about. Then it was just the old friends and the beach for the rest of the week.

Niall's new girlfriend was a woman named Julia, and he had made sure to send a photo of her bright smiling face around to all the other guys just to ensure there was no history between her and any of them. He would not be taking that chance ever again. She had been roped into working that weekend though and, as they had just recently begun dating, neither felt their relationship was necessarily ready for such a weekend trip quite yet.

Walking up the stairs, onto the porch, and making his way into the bustling kitchen, he was greeted by old friends and their respective partners. Some were new, some he had met a few times before, some more serious than others. His old roommate Derrick was recently engaged, and he had just been invited to Deveron's wedding to his partner, Vincent, with a save the date in the mail the prior week.

Niall shook hands and offered hugs as he smiled brightly at the familiar faces around him. Then his eyes trailed into the living room where he saw Nicole. She was standing just slightly behind Harry as he was animatedly speaking with one of their old friends, Zack.

Nicole felt his eyes upon her, and, when she looked up and caught sight of Niall, she smiled but was surprised as he held her gaze a bit longer, until the message he was trying to convey became clear. Niall knew she understood when a mischievous smirk grew across her face which he couldn't help but mirror as she gave him the slightest of nods.

All at once, Niall dramatically marched across the room and pushed Nicole up against the wall covering her frame with his, hands upon the sides of her face, as she held her hands upon his chest, and turned her head just slightly to the side and away from Harry, trying to conceal the laughter already bubbling over.

Niall turned his head to look back at his friend when he heard Harry clear his throat from over his shoulder. He saw him standing with his arms crossed, shaking his head, and trying to hide the growing smile on his face. Harry grabbed Nicole's hand and pulled her into him, quickly wrapping her in his arms protectively yet nodding. "I get it... very funny... I'm only letting that slide once though," he pointed in Niall's face before letting go of Nicole long enough to pull Niall into a friendly hug while they all laughed.

Niall patted Harry on the back. "Just teasing mate, I wouldn't steal your cherr... umm..." he stopped himself and furrowed his brow, realizing how that sounded.

"Yeah, that was a lot more innocent when we were seven," Harry admitted as he pulled Nicole back into him and pressed a loving kiss to her temple from behind. "Don't think for a second I don't know you were in on that," he directed at Nicole.

She dramatically gasped, "What; me?"

Harry shook his head despite the grin on his face. "I really hate you sometimes."

"Yeah, but you love me all the time," she whispered back toward him with a grin of her own.

He stared lovingly over her and smiled at their new twist on their old joke. "All the time," he whispered in confirmation and spun her around and pulled her lips to his, "You're my Cherry."

"And you're mine," both their smiles grew, and Harry pulled Nicole even closer, resting his forehead against hers. His heart swelled as it always did when she confirmed she felt for him the same he felt for her.

They spent the rest of the afternoon catching up on everything which had happened over the past few months, and Niall was glad to see Harry and Nicole so happy. The way Nicole lit up with every smile, and the deep caring gaze Harry always had when watching her so closely, made Niall feel that everything had been worth it.

There had of course been awkward moments and things were strained in the beginning. Niall had tried his best to give Harry and Nicole their space, and to focus on his own life. Things were a bit easier when he stumbled across Julia in a mall food court almost a month before that weekend at the beach house. He hadn't been able to take his eyes off her, and after getting to know her over what could be described as a spontaneous coffee date, which had ended up lasting hours in the mall, he knew that she was definitely something special and couldn't wait to see where life was going to take them.

Harry and Nicole were actually surprised how well they got on since they let their guards down and admitted they had feelings for one another. They were both still too stubborn for words and every step in their relationship thus far had been taken in the form of an angry sounding fight, ending only when one of them was finally frustrated enough to spit out what they had meant or felt all along. However, this was often followed by extended periods of amorous activities which they agreed made up for the madness.

It's just what worked for them, and they had never been happier. Both slept soundly with the other by their side, they were calmer and could think more clearly, and they understood each other on levels no one else ever could. They could really open up to each other, especially in the mornings when they awoke in each other's arms. Something about being so otherwise vulnerable with one another seemed to soothe them and make things easier.

In fact, most weekends they would just lie in bed, talking between intimate moments and, on occasion, it would almost feel like they were back in the dean's cabin, hidden away in the master bedroom on the third floor. Those were the moments they lived for, the moments when they were truly, completely happy.

Anyone who met them could see, they were each the perfect little extra that made the other's life sweet.


This story is complete but a new one for the Not Another Teen Romance Series is right around the corner!

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