Chapter 23

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Harry reached for the driver's side handle and pulled open the door, but before he could get in, Nicole stepped up in front of him, her hands held up to stop him. He stared down into her eyes sadly, almost defeated, and as her eyes searched his, she nervously pulled her bottom lip between her teeth once again.

Harry closed his eyes tight and took a deep breath. "Don't," his voice wasn't even a whisper yet somehow a growl and he couldn't help the subconscious step he took forward, Nicole's hands now resting delicately upon his chest.

She took a deep breath of her own and began again. "Harold, Niall and I..."

"I get it!" Harry spat quickly and angrily before working to calm himself again. "I understand," he began again, "It's just hard for me."

"No, you... wait, what?" Nicole was taken back by his confession.

"This is hard for me Nic!" Harry violently pushed his hands through his hair and rubbed his eyes before he couldn't take holding it back any longer, even if it made things more awkward. "Niall's a great guy, he really is, and you both deserve each other, and I'm trying to be happy for you and all, but Candy always said that you were my Cherry and I've finally figured out that she was right!" The words flew from his mouth in a rush.

Nicole froze, her heart pounding in her chest, and, as cliché as it sounds, the entire world around them slipped away, and it was only her and Harry standing in the open door of his truck. "I... I'm sorry," his words were much quieter this time.

"I don't hate you. Not really. That's just what we were always supposed to do, it's what we always knew" he continued. "The truth is, you're amazing Nic. I only loved hating you because it was the only interaction we ever had up until the end of high school when..." he took a deep breath. It had been hard enough to recount Candice's passing earlier, he wasn't sure he could handle speaking of it again as he was confessing all of this, but he knew Nicole understood.

"And it was the only way I could be near you outside of the cabin without raising suspicion. And I know how stupid that is but," he sighed heavily. "I promised Candy I would take care of you, that I would always be there for you, and I want you to know I always will be ... always," he repeated more to assure himself.

"I just want you to be happy," he went to reach his hand to the side of her face but stopped his arm and dropped it back down to his side, eyes shut tight again, so he missed the disappointment which flickered across Nicole's features. "And if Niall makes you happy then..." he finally took a step back and opened his eyes but dropped his head.

Harry saw Nicole's feet come into view as she took a step forward and felt her hands upon his chest again; causing him to raise his hands over hers and rest them there. He finally looked up into her eyes and watched her carefully, holding his breath the entire time, until her mouth curled up into a beautiful smile. The way she always looked at him when he knew he had said something stupid, and so he dropped his head again in disappointment, waiting for the snide remark and chastising laughter.

She pulled both of her hands from under his and he was braced for the worst, until she placed them on either side of his face. He was confused and looked back up, noticing the building tears in her eyes just as they closed and he felt her lips softly being placed upon his for just a second, but that was all it took to ignite the flame of hope.

"Niall and I are just friends now," she stressed the words and allowed him a moment to process what she was saying.

He felt a bit embarrassed that he hadn't just listened to them from the beginning as he realized that this was exactly what they had both been trying to tell him. He could also feel the smile taking over his face as the words took over his mind, until Nicole pulled her bottom lip between her teeth and decided to stand up on her tiptoes whispering, "I think you're amazing... Cherry." Upon hearing that one, last word, he lost all his control.

Harry grabbed the sides of her face and pulled her into a passionate kiss, pushing her up against the side of his truck next to the open door, and then dropping a hand to help pull her legs around his waist. Her legs locked behind his back as her hands ruffled through his hair, and he squeezed her thighs as he ran his hands up her legs and quickly under her shirt, rubbing small circles along the lace of her bra. His heart swelled to a degree he had never even suspected possible and hers was just as brilliantly happy, beating at a racers' pace just a few centimeters away.

The moment was disturbed, by Niall clearing his throat from the other side of the vehicle. "So, umm, I know I said I'm not mad and all but... you know," he scratched the back of his neck and scuffed his feet on the driveway.

Harry and Nicole pulled apart quickly, both blushing deep and trying to control their panting before Nicole, with a mischievous glint to her eyes which Harry had always been fond of, even when he hated her, turned and grabbed Harry's bag out of the truck, shoving it in his arms and closing the door.

Harry smirked and they rounded the truck together, yet separately, to stand before Niall. "Look, I love you both... as friends," he was quick to recover. "But, yeah, still a little awkward... maybe we can work that out another weekend; yeah?"

They all smiled and exchanged friendly hugs, and Niall ran into the house to grab his weekend bag which was still in the corner of the kitchen where he had dropped it that morning. He took a deep breath as he reflected upon everything the day had changed, but he finally smiled happily as he took in the romantic table setting still waiting inside. He knew Harry had taken the time to put it together for him and Nicole and, in that moment, knew his friendship with Harry was secure. That dinner was proof that Harry was willing to give up the girl of his dreams, his Cherry, if it would make her happy and Niall was proud that Harry would have trusted him to be the Cherry she deserved.

Niall gave Nicole one last friendly hug and a kiss upon her cheek before he grabbed Harry's hand in a high five, pulling him into a loose hug, and then slipping him a small blue box Harry recognized as condoms. "Umm..." Harry furrowed his brow.

"I wanted you to know that I really do support this, and let you know that we're cool," he spoke sincerely. "And judging from that story earlier, I imagined you might be running a little low," Niall smirked.

Harry smirked as well, "There's only like 6 in here dude and..."

"Trying to be cool here, alright?" Niall put up his hands to stop him. "Besides, I know you have at least some and you can always run to the store if you really need," he finished with a roll of his eyes.

"A...actually, umm, knowing Nic she...well, considering it was supposed to be for a long weekend... you know what," he stopped that train of conscience though, "You're trying to be cool," he nodded.

Niall took a deep steadying breath as he peeked over at Nicole and then sighed. "Trying," he repeated before shaking his head. "I'm out. I'll see you soon though, both of you," he stressed with a knowing look. He tossed his bag into his car and was just about to hop in when he stopped himself and turned back. "Hey Har?"


"Don't let her go," he meant seriously and patted Harry on the shoulder.

Harry nodded and patted Niall's shoulder in return. "I won't," he repeated with the same honesty. He looked over his other shoulder at Nicole standing back a few yards to give the boys their space. He smiled at the way his heart swelled just watching her and knowing that this time it would be something real, something he never even knew he wanted before but now couldn't imagine his life without.

Harry turned back to Niall and grinned toward the ground, "She's my Cherry." 

Author's Note - :)

Might be working on a small epilogue if anyone is interested and will be teasing my next book soon!

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