Chapter 7

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TW: Sexually explicit content
*These warnings are simply to caution you of what will be mentioned, and I will list subject matter of this nature ahead of any chapters including them, or any other explicit content regardless how limited.

Nicole stared sadly after Harry before she felt Niall's hands upon her own. "Please, continue," his voice was soft and melancholy.

"I..." she sighed, "You know Harold. He never just opens up like that, ever. Even when we were little his feelings were off the table and there was only one person that he was ever really been comfortable opening up to and..."

"It's ok," Niall spoke sadly and stared after his friend, "Like you said, I know Harry," he confirmed with a nod.

Nicole nodded her head in return, took a deep breath, and decided just to focus on the story at hand. "I agreed to stay but I needed to get my bag, and we both thought that it would be better to take care of that first and calm down before we discussed anything else.

"So, I had left my stuff in my car and my car behind one of the sororities where I usually sold. I actually got along fairly well with a few of the girls, and they didn't mind if I parked there for the parties. Harry and I couldn't be seen together, and we couldn't risk my car being seen at the dean's cabin, so I went on foot to get my car and parked it at the back of one of the student lots."

"They wouldn't let you leave it where it was?"

"I probably could have but they only had so much parking and held a lot of parties over the weekends. I didn't want it to get in the way... or get damaged by drunken college kids."

"Makes sense," Niall nodded and took a sip of his water.

"I had planned on just walking back but, Harry showed up and parked nearby, so I climbed into the back of his car instead. I guess he had followed me to make sure that nothing happened," she shrugged. "I ducked down in the back seat so no one would see me. It was a quiet drive back to the cabin, and we were both paranoid but luckily there weren't a lot of people around. It was still pretty early and most of the kids were either hungover or still passed out. When we got back, Harry parked in the small, attached garage, and he had made sure to draw all the blinds beforehand."

"The dean has me stay here on the weekends to keep an eye on things," Harry explained after he and Nicole had settled in at the dining room table, "And lie to the school officials if they come looking for him or something."

"I figured," Nicole replied as politely as possible. It had been agreed they would both be as civil as possible for the discussion at hand, but that things could, and would, return to normal once they were finished.

"Look, you can stay here on the weekends as well if you like but we have to set ground rules..."

"I want to be able to study in peace," Nicole started right off. "I need to be able to get my homework done and I can't have constant interruptions."

"I can interrupt you three times," Harry suggested instead.

"Two times; unless it's a long weekend, in which case, I'll allow three," Nicole countered.

"Fine, but I want you to help me."

"With what?" she furrowed her brow.

"With my studies; you know I'm not very good at this stuff, and I really need to do well so..." he shifted his eyes and body uncomfortably before finally mumbling, "Please." He sounded too dejected for the word to come across as a question, but Nicole let it slide.

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