Chapter 9

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TW: Sexually explicit content
*These warnings are simply to caution you of what will be mentioned, and I will list subject matter of this nature ahead of any chapters including them, or any other explicit content regardless how limited.

Niall sat perfectly still and thought over everything. "You... you agreed to all that?"

"Didn't you hear her? She's the one who set the main rules," Harry rolled his eyes.

Niall glared at him before turning back to Nicole who reached for his clenched hands, "It was strictly platonic Niall, that's the whole point. Every rule was to keep the distance."

"I get that," Niall sighed. "I guess I just don't understand why you wouldn't just... I don't know, find someone else to, you know, hook up with or find a real boyfriend or even just... not..." he struggled to communicate his jumbled emotions.

"There was no one else," Nicole shook her head sadly before locking her eyes with Harry. "I wasn't in a position to be very open and trusting."

Nicole fell slowly back into the conscious world as the rays of the sun peaked through the curtains and traced the lines of her face. She stretched out her body and could feel it held against another, and firm arms comfortably wrapped around her torso. The rule about cuddling had quickly flown out the window and they agreed it wasn't a big deal anyway. They always seemed to wake up in each other's arms or curled into each other, and decided it wasn't worth the argument which it led to in the morning about who was at fault.

As Nicole shifted it caused Harry to shift as well, flopping over, lying upon his back, arms tucking beneath the pillow under his head, and his breathing remaining steady. She watched him for just a moment and thought over many of the events of the night before, her toes curling just at the images playing through her mind.

She hated to admit it, but he had been right when they first discussed the weekend deal, her body reacted to his. The moment Harry's eyes met hers the heat between the two combusted, and she had found that she was beginning to crave his touch. The only positive was that his body seemed to react the same to hers. She loved the shivers her touch could send up his spine, and the goose bumps remaining wherever her fingers trailed across his skin.

She stretched out her deliciously aching body once more and smirked at Harry's morning wood. He had been very accommodating the previous night, and a part of her had to laugh at the predicament she found herself in. It had been a few weeks since Harry and Nicole had begun spending the weekends together, and she had honestly never felt better. She rolled over and straddled his legs, mischief written clearly across her face, and decided to repay some of his generosity, a characteristic which she honestly hadn't been that surprised to discover prominent in Harry.

Harry was greeted into the conscious world by one of the most amazing feelings a man can hope for. His eyes remained shut as he groaned in pure pleasure, and his hands stretched out behind his head, cracking his spine before reaching down, and finding the back of Nicole's head. Gripping her hair, and eagerly assisting her in her work, he began taking back every rude comment he had ever had regarding her smart mouth.

"Oh, fuck, Nic!" his deep morning voice grumbled as he released, his hands gripping her hair even tighter as she slowly slid her tongue, one last time, along his still sensitive member, sending a physical shiver throughout his entire body. After a moment she lightly blew upon him, causing another blissful shiver, and he pulled her up with a smirk to lay atop him. He pressed his lips to hers and began a rather heated make out session, another rule which had quickly been dismissed.

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