After some time, the twins come down from their rooms and meet their dad. "So hey we are going to celebrate you quirk our princess." Toshinori said. "YEY, CAN WE GO TO THE MALL PLEASE, PRETTY PLEASE??" She begged. "Yeah sweetie anything for you."

When we are about to ride the car I got stopped and they told me to stay at home. I don't understand why but they told me to. So they left me at home and I was very hungry, I don't see any ready to eat food so I tried to cook some eggs for me to eat, well for a 4 year old doing this is very very hard but I can't stop if I don't do it I'll starve. I eventually got the hang of it after my fifth attempt, it was pretty decent. After eating I took a bath and flop on my bed and just sleep.

After for a while, they walk home after celebrating my sister's quirk, I welcomed them home but no one replied, all of them are still focused on my sister having a quirk and all of them kept talking about it. They were ignoring me like some kind of bread, the part of the bread that people always sees that nobody likes or likes to see. They hate me for being a disgrace, for not having a quirk.

Time skip.

When we are now at the park...

We were greeted by our friends, the Bakugou twins and the Todoroki twins. "Hey wassups guy did you already found out your quirks??", our ash blond Pomeranian boy said. "YUP, my quirk is telekinesis but much stronger that it can even rival All Might", Izumi replied happily. "Awesome! Well how about you Izuku?", Shoka asked me. "i-i-i-i'm-m-m q-quirkles-s-s-." I said while stuttering and almost crying, but then I remembered what the doctor said to me, "Don't be sad young man, you will become a hero even if the odds are against you, promise me become a hero for me okay?". As I remember those words, he gave me courage and hope as I said, "B-But I will still strive to be a hero even if I don't have a quirk." I said it with determination hoping they will understand and support me, but I guess I was wrong. "HAH, WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOU CAN BE A HERO WITHOUT A QUIRK, YOU ARE STUPID!!" Kacchan outburst after hearing that sentence. "You are out of you mind, to think that you want to be a hero without a quirk is utter nonsense, just give up." Katsumi continued. "And to think that you have a chance, unbelievable." Shoka said. "You know what, people should call you Deku, because you are useless." Shoto said which completely shattered my heart. "Don't try becoming a hero, you are just going to get yourself killed."  Izumi said.

My own sister doesn't even believed in me, so I ran away from them and sat on the other side of the park crying, calming down and just stared at the sky and kept asking myself," Why, I just wanna help people, I just wanna save people with a smile, I don't need anything, I just wanna do what is right.". While I was just sitting on the tree, I heard someone crying and asking for help, I see a random kid being bullied by my friend. I stand up and tried to help the random kid by being the shield or blocking them from bullying him further. 

" WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU STUPID DEKU, GET OUT OF OUR WAY!!"  Kacchan trying to order me. "GET OUT OF OUR WAY, HE NEEDS TO FACE JUDGEMENT FOR HAVING A WEAK QUIRK!" Izumi also said. "Why are you doing this, you are hurting somebody  just because they have a weak quirk, they didn't do anything to you all!!" As I tried to reason them what they're doing is not right Shoto chimed in saying, "So you wanna play hero huh, let's see how much you can take to protect him!!". As soon as I heard that I told the random kid to get away from here and he got away from them safely but also thanking me. I replied with a smile while trying to hold them off but in the end I got beaten up by them especially from Kacchan and Shoto as they did mostly the damage.

The Failure (Discontinued, up for revision, not adoption)Where stories live. Discover now