Chapter 5 : Dreams

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Dreams, dreams, what are dreams?
Are they a mere succession of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that occur during sleep, a means of escape on a boring week, or are they visions that drive you, that give you a reason to breathe?

To me, they're all.
During the day, a unicorn takes me away
to the sky where there are rainbows and cotton candy clouds, where there are no worries, no floods and no droughts. During the night, I come back inside not to an unreal world but to one fortified. It's my own soul; one as bright as a star but as dark as a black hole. Dreams, they provide me a glimpse of it. Being a vivid dreamer, I remember every dream in great detail and being interested in Jungian psychology, I interpret them every morning. Surprisingly, they seem to align with reality very well.

We are living in an age we had been dreaming of since the time we started playing with the clock like it's a toy, but it seems to not be treating us very kindly. We 2005 old souls reminisce of our childhood days even though they haven't formally left us yet. We long for old TV shows, 90's aesthetics and 80's songs. What happened? Where did we go wrong?

Sometimes I feel as though I've been born in the wrong era. Strangely, 2012 doesn't hit home as much as thoughts, ideas and stories of 1919 do. We are living in an age where dreams come true then how come we now dream to go back to the past to dream of the future? Is time moving too fast or are we?

Another book I read recently was Hard Times by Charles Dickens. Last year in history, we studied a chapter about industrial revolution; it had an excerpt which I found very interesting so I bought the book. I really enjoyed it though I had hard times reading it since I hate the mechanical nature of humans with a passion. Now that I read it, I feel the book is quite timeless since what is written still seems to hold true. Humans have become mechanised, running around in circles everyday, everyday getting up in the morning to do something they despise, sacrificing today to get in the future, a dream life. But how do you know there will be a future?

Putting a mask on seems to be the norm these days, well metaphorically. Everyone wants to be exactly what they're not. People with dark skin want to be light while people with light skins are getting fake tans. We're all gambles of nature, a throw of dice; every tiger has different stripes, every wolf has a unique howl. Nature is so fixated on diversity, yet we're always focused on being like everyone else. Everyone these days hides behind a mask, both physical and metaphorical, killing people with fingers on social media on which these days an aesthetic culture is prevalent; same colours and utmost perfection, taking all fun out of creating.

It seems to me we run too fast these days. We're living in an age of "now". Fast food, fast fashion, fast transport, fast network. Fast. Fast! FAST! Slow down, take a breath, what's the hurry? Boredom is the root of all evil, yes, but it's also the mother of creativity. Boredom leads people to look for things to do, often sparking ideas. Did you know pizza scissors were invented out of boredom? These days however, there's hardly any time to be bored. Would the earth stop spinning if your pizza arrives a few minutes late? Would the pandemic end if your video takes a couple minutes to load? Allow yourself to be bored, maybe dream?

Dreams are a fuel, often a synonym for goals; without them, what's the point of suffering? I have dreams, many dreams. I want to be a clinical psychologist, I want to selfishly change the world for the better, I also want to write a book and so here I am, making an effort, quite appreciable for someone as lazy as I am. Who are you? What do you like? What do you dislike? Where are you and where do you want to go? Dreams are the window to the soul, the deepest, innermost level. Listen, listen to what they're trying to say. Take a moment, reflect. Dream.

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