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An ocean full of tears?
Pardon me, I beg to differ.
I prefer a sky full of stars,
pearls shining bright...
for an ocean can be put to an end
but a sky my friend,
is something that never ends.

How many stars in our universe?
As many pearls in our miniverse.
For both never seem to end.

If tears could be sold
we'd have a lot to spend.
Human grief can never be put to an end.
Stars are natural
but these leaking taps,
who's coming to mend?

This was the first good poem I wrote. Being a night owl, I stay up all night despite needing sleep; I find it really hard to fall asleep. Like everyday, I was lying down on the bed, daydreaming. At 2AM out of nowhere, something popped up in my head : the first stanza of the poem. I quickly rushed to write it down and went back to bed again when another stanza presented itself. I wrote it down as well, and started to edit it. I wrote about 3-4 versions before being satisfied with it. I immediately posted it on my Instagram story.

Magic growing everywhere
Ballet dancers in the fields.
Magic growing everywhere
in every corner of the field.

Peacocks dancing,
birds feasting.
Can't look away,
Won't look away.

The life in the fields
give life to many.
The grains in the fields
give greens to many.

Fresh air,
scent of the flowers.
Every season
has its own power.
Can't look away,
Won't look away.

[Partly inspired by Connor Franta]

Wrote this on the bus while coming back home from school. I'm the type of person who's deeply fascinated by nature; this poem is about the time new crops start growing in fields. I used to look out of the window at the green growing crops that seemed like an ocean thanks to the cool breeze. It used to be my favourite time of the day; it used to be a break from the b.s of a hell known as school.

"Mirror mirror on the wall,
who's the prettiest of them all?"
she asked.
The mirror replied "you,
your highness."
Little did she know,
the mirror lies.

Pocket Full Of Proses. Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora