Chapter 4

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Now that Martyn is gone I really need to win this game, for the both of us. I decided to walk to security so I could vouch I was on cameras for a bit. I walked into security and went to check cameras. I saw Zee in storage, Netty in lower engine and Mini and Jimmy walking around near weapons. Wait, I have an idea. I walk out of security and went into lower engine.

"Hey Netty" I speak

Netty looks over at me, "Oh hey Grian"

I walk over to her as she looks at me confused as to why I'm walking so close to her. "Grian what are you do-" I cut her off by snapping her neck. She falls limp on the floor. I was about to enter the vent when I hear a gasp behind me...

Zee is standing behind me with his hands over his mouth in shock. I quickly pull out my tablet and self-report, maybe I can save this.

We all get teleported to the cafeteria again, "Zee, do you want to explain why you murdered Netty right in front of me?!" I shout, tears in my eyes. Since when could I fake cry?

Zee glares at me, "Your not going go get away with this Grian, I saw you murder Netty and about to enter the vent"

"Okay hold on, where did this happen?" Jimmy asked

"In lower engine" Zee answered

"Wait if Grian was the imposter then why didn't he kill me last round?" Jimmy asked again

"Because he obviously needs an alibi! Weren't you listening to Netty last round!?" Zee shouted

"You could have used Mini as your alibi, I saw both of you together quite a lot until this round where you were obviously planning on killing someone, and I was on cameras and saw you walking to lower engine so I went down there and saw Netty dead" I reply crossing my arms and looking at Zee.

Zee looks at me dumbfounded, "You've gotta be kidding me" I grab my tablet and voted Zee. An icon pops up saying that Zee got 3 votes and I got 1. Wow, Jimmy and Mini are really gullible.

"Bye Zee~," I say with a smile. Zee glares at me until he's pushed into space. Jimmy and Mini look at me scared...

systemzee was not An Imposter
(1 imposter remains)

𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 // 𝐄𝐯𝐨𝐒𝐌𝐏 & 𝐀𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐔𝐬 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now