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DISCLAIMER : The MC used in these headcanons is not Gender Neutral like usual, this is a Fem!MC headcanons.

Also I am talking about pregnancy in these headcanons, but I am just talking about the general idea of it not the detailed one like doctors appointment, childbirth (I wanted to include it but I couldn’t find eleven different reaction to MC’s water breaking I’ll admit) and other even more technical stuff I just tried to keep it entertaining for everyone 💞

Warnings: children, pregnancy, talks about sex

Warnings: children, pregnancy, talks about sex

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How many children:  2 daughters


Plan or Surprise — Not really planned but that wasn’t really a surprise for you. Asmo is a lover, there isn’t a day where you don’t have sex so you know that at some point it was going to happen. He didn’t. He really thought he could go on like that without worrying about anything but accident happen huh ? He is still ecstatic about it though, just imagine you and him mixed to make one little person ? Beautiful. So beautiful it happened two times.

Cravings — You have to be strategic about this. If you want something you’ll have to wait for him to be shopping in town to just tell him to bring you back something. If you really want something in particular and he’s planning to stay at home with you that day, check the kitchen or ask a brother to get for you (Mammon is the best choice he might complain but he’ll do it).

Morning sickness — He will avoid you at all costs. Seriously he can’t bear to see anyone throw up. As soon as he sees running off towards the bathroom he freezes and wait for you to finish up. Once he hears that you’re done he will join you in the bathroom and make sure you wash up a little.

Moodswings — Asmo barely see them and it’s quite convenient for you both, you can get angry all you want and he won’t mind it one bit because he doesn’t see it. He does react when you cry however, because it’s not just passive-aggressiveness there are signs like the tears. If you do start crying he’ll just kiss your face all over until you start laughing again.

Talking to the baby/First kicks —  He is telling his daughters all about his skincare routine, sure they won’t be able to use for a very long time and all but for Asmo it’s never too early to learn about the wonders of beauty. As for the first kick well… First of all : Rude. To be fair Asmo had his his ear on your belly when your baby kicked for the first time and he received it right in the jaw and that did not exactly hurt but that was unpleasant. Plus can you imagine if she had actually harmed his beautiful face ? A disaster ! A true disaster.

Sex during pregnancy — Asmo ? Giving up on sex for nine months ? Yeah right real funny. He is not a big reader but you bet he was reading every book he could find on the subject to prove you that sex is safe even during a pregnancy. He didn’t need it because you had urges so you still wanted to have sex with him and he was certainly not going to tell you no. But you still seemed to notice a slight change of pace, he was going slower than usual. For someone so self-centered it was quite sweet.

Names — You have to remind you actually have input on the names you’re going to give to your baby because he doesn’t seem to remember. He just wants your babies to have the most fabulous names in all the realms and who could blame him.

Life with child(ren):

First nights/Dirty Diapers/ etc. — You don’t know how he does it, but Asmo never seems to wake up at night when your baby is crying. At first you thought he was faking so you waited a bit but nothing he is indeed getting his beauty sleep. So you’re normally the one who gets up at night…And the one who changes the diaper too. He does everything else thankfully for you.

What are they like — You gave birth to the two most beautiful child on Earth, Hell and even Heaven, seriously both of your DNA mixed together made pieces of art. And your daughters knew all about it because they obviously got the self-centered personality of their father. They wore the most beautiful dresses, the most expensive jewelry (that they got after making puppy eyes to Mammon) and they probably had the prettiest hair you have ever witnessed. Seriously your babies are masterpieces.

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