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MC regularly tells the bros about their dreams, and since some of the dreams are the in-game events, it gets weird.

*MC wordlessly sits at the breakfast table*

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*MC wordlessly sits at the breakfast table*

Asmo: Are you alright, MC? Did you not sleep well?

MC: No it’s just... I had a really weird dream. You were there, and you were there, you all were there!

Beel: What happened in the dream?

MC: It was us but... Cinderella...

Mammon: I was totally Prince Charming, right MC?

MC: No... it was Simeon...

Asmo: Was I the fairy godmother?!

MC: Yeah! Beel, Belphie, and Levi were the mice, but they still looked the same... just smaller! Lucifer, Mammon, and Satan were the... uh... not-ugly-but-still-really-mean step-brothers! They didn’t let me go to the ball because my clothes looked shitty! And they kept telling me to clean stuff! In the dream they woke me up at five in the morning to make me clean the kitchen! FIVE IN THE MORNING!

Satan: Yeah, that should have tipped you off that it was a dream. Rule number 25 of the House of Lamentation states that one should not wake Belphie or MC to clean or do chores unless you are prepared to lose an arm.

Belphie: I’m so glad that rule is in place.

MC: And my dream missed a golden opportunity to make Lucifer the cat.

Satan: Cat? MC: In the 1950-something movie, the evil stepmother has a cat named Lucifer.

Satan: ...I’ve found my pick for movie night.

(*many dream events later*)

Asmo: MC! Did you dream about us?

MC: ... so we were all a part of the mafia-

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