💙💕Zero Gravity💕💙

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Sumarry••• MC is having a hard time getting to sleep in zero gravity. Lucifer’s there to help.

Warnings: Sort of spoilers for the Twinkle event. Swearing once or twice. 


MC grumbles unhappily as they once again flip over mid-air

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MC grumbles unhappily as they once again flip over mid-air. As fun as zero-gravity was when they were partying, trying to sleep had proven difficult. Each small movement sent them spinning or frantically trying to balance themselves.

The lack of a solid surface below them also wasn’t helping them relax. Not the best conditions to feel safe and comfy to drift off. They rub their sleepy eyes as they try to adjust their body into a more comfortable position, another growl ripping from their throat as they’re sent spinning.

The sound of a soft chuckle makes them glance up to see Lucifer gliding carefully over to them, “Are you struggling dear?”

Huffing in defeat, they respond with a pout, “I can’t get used to this. Every movement sends me spinning. I need something solid under me, not just air.”

“I quite like the feeling,” he responds, doing a quick flip with a smirk on his face. “Sensation of flying without the effort of flying. It’s a nice change of pace.”

“Yeah well…” they grumble. “I can’t fly, so this is weird to me. I’m not used to just hanging mid-air not touching anything.”

“Come here,” he says as he spins onto his back and pulls them by the wrist toward him. “Lay on my chest.”

Letting the demon pull them over, they gently settle their head on his chest, and tangle their legs with his, a dusting of pink on their cheeks.

“Is this ok to do here?” Lucifer shrugs at that and cards his fingers through their hair, “What kind of partner would I be to not help you sleep if I have the ability?”

After a moment, he slips into his demon form and wraps his wings around them, just the two of them in a cocoon of black feathers. His free arm wraps loosely around their waist, “And now we’re alone.” MC sighs happily and starts to carefully unbutton each button on his uniform to expose his neck and chest.

“And what exactly are you doing now?” he asks with an arched brow. “This is hardly the place to try to undress me.”

“Obviously,”they responded thumping their fist on his chest. Carefully pulling themselves closer to his face they press a gentle kiss to his lips. “Hmm,” he hums into their kiss. “Still feels like you’re trying to seduce me MC, quite naughty.”

“That was just a thank you,” they explain as they settle their head on the bare skin they’d uncovered on his chest. “This was because I sleep better when I can feel your skin.”

“Oh,” is the only response they received, beyond his arms tightening around them and a noticeable red flush working its way up his chest and neck. Yawning loudly, they grip at his uniform as their eyes slowly drift shut. “I… luff you Luci,” they mumble out as the warmth of his body and embrace of his wings coaxes them to sleep.

Kissing the top of their head, he buries his face in their hair feeling the same drowsiness taking over him as well. His whispered response into their hair is the last he remembers before drifting off.


- As each brother wakes up, they realize they can’t find MC. Until Asmo drifts over to cocoon of feathers that is Lucifer, and he squeals in excitement at finding them cuddled up.

-He quickly pulls out his phone to take pictures of MC snuggled into Lucifer’s chest, one hand clutching his uniform and the other somehow stretched out clutching one of his horns. Lucifer looking utterly peaceful and relaxed, his hair a mess, and the top of his uniform unbuttoned to his chest.

- Asmo posts the pictures to Devilgram (because of course he does) to show his followers how adorable they look all cuddled up together in zero-gravity asleep.

- It’s Diavolo’s laugh that finally wakes up Lucifer, still groggy but instantly becomes alert at Diavolo’s smiling voice in front of his.

- Tries to act like it’s a completely normal thing, and wakes up MC quickly to sort themselves out as he tries to fix his hair, his face bright red.

- When he finds out about Asmo’s post it’s way too late to take it down. The damage is done. You know Asmo was punished, but he doesn’t care.

- And MC loves the picture. They had Asmo send it to them, and they set it as their home-screen on their D.D.D. Which in equal parts makes Lucifer feel proud and embarrassed.

- Lucifer decides the best way to deal with it now that it’s out there, is to act like he intended on everyone seeing it. Becomes far more forward with the relationship in public.

- Especially the first day back, he strides onto campus with MC’s hand securely in his. His chest puffed, shoulders back, and jaw set defiantly; daring someone to make a comment.

- He sets himself to walk MC to most of their classes, carry their lunch tray at lunch, and press a chaste kiss to their lips in greeting and departing each time. Because if everyone was going to know how affectionate he was with MC, they were going to see that he is damn proud with them at his side. And proud of his ability to take care of his partner.

- When inevitably someone says something, all it takes is a glare and sharp reply to send them scurrying. “Are you insinuating that you assumed I would be a poor lover to my partner?”

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