💚💕In my Head💕💚

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Unrelated but I love the picture for the header.

Sumarry••• Catan fell inlove?

Warnings: angst if you squint at the beginning but it's mostly fluff.


Coming to devildom at first was a horrifying experience to say the least, imagine quite literally being abducted from your home and brought to a place you've always learned was the epitome of nightmares— and then what you expected would be exactly...

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Coming to devildom at first was a horrifying experience to say the least, imagine quite literally being abducted from your home and brought to a place you've always learned was the epitome of nightmares— and then what you expected would be exactly that, turned out to not be as bad as you thought.

it was a bit nerve wracking and overbearing at first, I mean you were brought here against you will without any time to prepare. but you were able to settle in soon enough, and the seven demon lords of hell helped kindly with that— in their own special little way.

Every brother treated you nicely, even if it was a little iffy in the beginning, and eventually you were able to create your own little special bond with every single one of them.

Well, all expect Satan, that is.

After a while of knowing the brothers, you came to know the avatar of wrath as the calm and collected brother despite his sin, always keeping to himself, but at the same time had a whimsy sense of adventure and a very strange form a resentment towards Lucifer. Besides that, he had a pretty good relationship with everyone else.

But he never really showed any particular interest in you.

You two got along well enough, but you weren't exactly buddies. he never spoke to you unless he had to, and he never came near you unless you were having dinner with everyone. It kind of stung, but you tried to not let it bother you too much and instead avoided him like he avoided you. if he didn't want anything to do with you, then you wouldn't want anything to do with him.

At least, that's what you thought.

Right now, you were conflicted.

Latin was a hard language for you to grasp. Who even taught latin anymore? wasn't it a dead language? who knows, maybe even demons liked to learn new languages, even dead ones. Even so, it was something not fit out for you— and so here you were, standing in front of satan's bedroom door with the proper book and journal in your arms, torn between knocking and dashing down the hallway to only hope luck was on your side for the test you had at the end of the week.

Because you didn’t have a lot of options.

Lucifer was hammered with work and meetings for the week, Mammon was off wasting away his profit at a casino, Leviathan had his nose stuck in his computer, Asmodeus was off at the fall, Beel was at hell's kitchen probably devouring everything on the menu, and then Belphagor was asleep.. like always.

You stood there for about five minutes, debating, trying to convince yourself that it was all going to be okay. It's not like you were scared of him, there was just this really weird tension that formed out of thin air whenever you two were alone somewhere, and you literally couldn't stand it for more than a few seconds before you wanted to get the hell out of there.

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