Everything Lagos Wrong

Start from the beginning

"Not to my face, why? Somebody said something?" Natasha remarks.

"Eyes on the target folks. This is the best lead we've had on Rumlow in six months. I don't want to lose him." Steve orders.

Sam scoffs before saying. "If he sees us coming that won't be a problem. He kinda hates us."

"You. He hates you. I don't know the guy." Stiles responds as he places a hand on his chest earning a nudge in his side from Wanda.

The two quickly become serious once Steves voice comes over the comm. "Sam... see that garbage truck? Tag it."

Sam's trusty companion, Red Wing, quickly flies under the garbage truck and begins an X-Ray scan. "Yeah that truck's loaded max weight. And the driver's armed."

"It's a battering ram." Natasha informs everyone. On que Stiles quickly detaches from Wanda and begins to stand up.

"Go now." Steve orders everyone.

"What-?" Wanda asks, confused.

"He's not hitting the police." Steve reveals.

"Pietro, now!" Stiles commands the speedster as Pietro runs over to Stiles and grabs a hold of him before racing after the truck. In a matter of seconds the two are running alongside the truck as it barrels towards the block.

"You know what to do." Stiles shouts, Pietro nods his head before launching Stiles in front of the truck. Red veins appear across Stiles' body as his eyes begin to glow an eery red. His eyes focus on the truck and a pulse of red energy exits his body. Upon impact with the vehicle everything turns to water as it fills the streets and the soaked driver tumbles to the floor.

Thinking the job is done, Stiles begins to walk forward when all of a sudden a beeping noise can be heard. Looking down at his feet he sees some sort of bomb. "Shit." Stiles quickly negates the damage done to himself but didn't have time to reach the surrounding area as the blockade behind him exploded into rubble and Stiles was sent flying away.

Two yellow vans quickly pull into the destroyed lot and slow to a stop, the back opens and dozens of armed Hydra soldiers pile out. They quickly move into formation as a couple fire gas into the target building, quickly incapacitating the people inside.

A whooshing sound can be heard as Sam flies over the area, dropping a certain 70 year old onto the guards. Steve makes quick work of 3 guards before surveying the area. "Body armour, AR-15s. I make seven hostiles."

Upon hearing those words Sam skill-fully flies around and takes out another two. "I make five." Wanda then floats in and begins to deflect incoming bullets. Using her magic she restrains the target, "Pietro!" She calls before throwing the guard behind her.

Pietro zooms in and closelines the guard before looking around confused. Sharing a look with Wanda he lets out a huff before speeding away. Seconds later he arrives back with a dust-covered Stiles. "About time, you didn't expect me to run all the way back did you."

Rolling their eyes, the twins ignore him and continue to stay on their guard. Red Wing flies overhead as it takes a scan of the building. "Rumlow's on the third floor." Sam announces.

"Wanda, just like we practiced." Steve tells her. She looks towards her brother and Stiles who both give her encouraging looks.

"What about the gas?" She asks.

"Get it out." Steve vaguely orders.

Nodding, Wanda uses her magic to send Steve flying into the building as he crashed through a window. Pietro and Sam cover for Wanda as she then uses her magic to clear the gas from the building. Stiles stands in front of her and alters the chemical make up of the gas so it becomes safe to be pushed into the air.

The group continue to stand guard and take out remaining bad guys before Steve speaks up over the comms. "Rumlow has a biological weapon." He announces making Stiles roll his eyes in exhaustion.

"Im on it." Natasha speaks up as the sound of her motorcycle can be heard.

Minutes later, loud explosions can be heard from the other side of the building. Instinctively Sam takes to the skies in one direction while Pietro runs off in another. Stiles and Wanda share a look before they rush of together.

"Sam, Pietro. He's in an AFV heading north." Steve states.

"I've got six. They're splitting up." Sam tells them. Stiles inwardly curses while using his powers to manipulate some concrete to use as a platform to fly on, while Wanda is floating beside him.

"I've got the two on the left." Natasha tells the group.

"I've got the two heading north." Pietro calls as he zooms through the streets.

Steve rushes into the middle of the group where the ATV was abandoned and quickly surveys the area. "They ditched the gear." He states, keeping his head on a swivel as he stays on guard. "Its a shell game now. One of them has the payload."

All of a sudden Steve cuts off and Wanda and Stiles share a look before hurrying up. As the two reach Steves location they spot him standing over Rumlow. All seems to be going well until Rumlow flips a switch on his jacket and explodes.

Luckily, Wanda was able to suppress the explosion in time. Unluckily, the explosion was soon about to get out of hand. Stiles realised Wanda's plan and was instantly against it. As Wanda launched Rumlow up into the air. The trajectory launched it into a nearby building. The sound of glass shattering pulled her attention for a second as she saw a window pain shattered where Stiles once was.

Looking up in shock she spots the outline of Stiles as he holds the explosion back away from the building, but also getting pushed up with it. As the explosion rises above the building (The front side of said building has been damaged due to Stiles being dragged) Wanda's magic releases from the explosion letting it out. Stiles crosses his arms in an X formation as he takes the brunt of the explosion. Not taking any initial damage, but the shockwave causes was enough to send him rocketing down, crashing through the roof and several floors.

Wanda looks up in shock, tears threatening to fall from her eyes as her hand covers her mouth. Dozens of bystanders have there phones out, recording the altercation. Most of there cameras dashing back and forth between a distraught Wanda and the dust trail coming out of the top of the building.

"Damn." Steve grunts as he instantly rushes into the building to check on Stiles. As Wanda goes to stand, Pietro instantly appears by her side and glares at several civilians who are looking angrily and scared of Wanda. Covering her face with his hands, he grabs her and rushes her away. Out of sight from the judging civilians.

When Steve reaches the floor Stiles supposedly crashes into, he is surprised to not hear any groaning or altercations happening. Instead he hears hearty laughter and jokes. Slowly walking forward, he opens a door and is shocked to see Stiles sitting at a dinner table, getting the dust washed off of him from an elderly Nigerian woman.

Steve glances around in confusion and spots the huge hole in the middle of the ceiling. Stiles seems to notice Steve and smiles. "Sup Cap. Sorry I couldn't respond to tell you I was okay. The comm fell out my ear when I plummeted." Stiles shrugs.

"That's okay kid. You may want to check up on Wanda though. She seemed pretty distraught about what happened." Steve reminds him, giving him a look that reminded Stiles of when Thor used to remind him of something he'd forgotten.

"Shit." Stiles whispers. Instantly the Nigerian woman smacks him on the shoulder and tells him off. Stiles winces. "Sorry Mrs. Abara."

After exchanging goodbyes and Stiles once again apologising for the roof, in which Mrs. Abara waves off claiming she was planning on leaving anyway, Steve and Stiles both leave and head back to the Quinjet where the rest of the team were waiting.

When he arrived, Wanda instantly ran up to him and checked him for injuries. When Stiles tried to protest he was instantly shut down and was forced to endure Wanda's inspection. Much to the amusement of the rest of the team. When Wanda deemed Stiles to be fine, albeit reluctantly, the two boarded the jet and headed back to Avengers HQ.

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