(25) meltdown

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Carefully looking around the corner, you watch as Finn catches up with the other guy, who presumably was the one who called him. You recognize him as well. It's one of the pilots who shot at you and Armitage when you tried to get back to the wreck.

Your head is spinning, and the blaring sirens aren't helping. He was dead. Sixteen, now apparently going by Finn, was dead. You checked his pulse, took his uniform.

However, you shouldn't be worrying about that right now. He isn't supposed to be here. He's Resistance now. How did they get into the Base?

With shaking hands, you navigate your datapad to call Armitage. Luckily, he picks up quickly. His annoyed face immediately changes to worried when he sees the panic in your eyes and hears the blaring sirens in the background.

"I thought you were on a mission." He states nervously.

"I- I just came back. What's going on? Are you here?"

"Where are you?" Armitage asks instead of answering.

"In the main hangar. Listen, I need to tell you-"

"No. You listen. Get back on the ship and evacuate. Come back when it's safe."

"I can't do that!"

"Yes, you can." He insists. You cannot make out where he is. There are noises in the background, but you have no idea what he's doing.

"Are you safe?"

Armitage is looking somewhere else.

"I have to go. Leave." He ends the call.

Your eyes dart between the stairs up to central command and the ship.

"Fuck." You curse and start to sprint up the stairs. You won't leave this base while it's under attack.

The mixture of adrenaline and running has you breathing heavily when you open the door. There are a few officers left, hiding under their workstations.

"A ship in the hangar is ready for take-off!" You call as you sprint to the main consol. "Go! Go now!"

They scurry to the door, leaving you alone in the large room.

You open the live feed of the surveillance cameras. Troopers are running down the hallways. There are some shootings going on. "Come on, come on." You mumble as you switch through the different camera feeds. "There you are." You almost missed him.

Armitage is running down a hallway, all by himself. Opening the map, you locate him. Not taking another minute to think about it, you start running in his direction.

There can't be many of Rebels here because you don't come across anyone. That means they don't plan on doing greater damage. You stop for a moment and hide in a doorframe as you consult your datapad once again. You quickly go through the list of prisoners. Of course. The fucking Wookiee.

You call Ren. "What?" His modulated voice answers. In the background people are screaming. He's wearing his helmet and talking via the internal mic. "The Wookiee. They are here for the Wookiee."

You hear him take a deep breath. Then the line disconnects.

After checking if the hallway is clear, you start running again. You calculate where Armitage has to be by now. Granted, that he didn't change directions. You hear three blaster shots. It makes you stop for a second. The sound came from the left. Your own blaster in hand, you keep walking as quietly as possible, back close to the wall.

You here voices. Two, maybe three men talking. There is another, single shot being fired. Someone groans. Heart beating so hard that you can barely hear anything, you turn the corner.

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