(16) off-putting

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You're honestly surprised that you made it to the training grounds without throwing up on the Supreme Leader's back. You let out a relieved sigh when the ship touches down in the hangar. This one is smaller than the main hangar at the bridge you started from. You've been here early into your training but not since you became Lieutenant General.

Ren shuts down the engines and gets up. You intend to let him walk past your seat and then follow him; however, he stops right in front of you and gestures towards the exit. Hastily, you open your seatbelt and get up. Since he's standing so close to you, you have to squeeze past him to get to the corridor that leads to the ramp. He could have moved out of the way to let you past, but no, you have to brush against his shoulder to get through. It's like he is unable to have an interaction with you without pulling some kind of power play.

When you walk down through the ship, you hear his heavy steps behind you. Well, behind you insinuates a distance between you and him. Instead, it's more like you can feel his breath on the back of your neck, even though he's wearing a mask.

On your way down the loading ramp, you start to focus more on what's before you than who's behind you. You raise your chin and put your hands behind your back. As soon as your boot hits the ground, the officers that are lined up left and right, salute you collectively. They hold the pose until you as well as Ren have walked past them. Looking straight ahead, you acknowledge them with nods.

Eventually, you make it to the end of the line where Vicrul, Cardo, Ushar, Kuruk, and Ap'lek are waiting for you. Ren introduces you briskly. As you extend your hand to greet every one of them separately, they hesitate confused by your action. Apparently, it's not common that they are treated like that. Treated with respect. Eventually, one after the other shakes your hand. They all are almost as tall as Ren and wear thick black clothes as well.

"Ap'lek." Ren's voice booms as he orders: "Show us your battalion."

"Yes, Supreme Leader." He nods and turns around, walking towards a large door on the left of the hangar. It's opened for you by two Troopers standing by. Then he leads you down a hallway until you reach the training hall for his department. You faintly remember being here before, but it's most likely not the same room since they all look similar.

There are maybe thirty officers standing around, talking to each other, obviously waiting for the training to begin. When they see not only their Lieutenant enter but also the Supreme Leader, the room falls silent instantly. It's only then, that their eyes also land on you. They throw each other looks. You sigh internally.

Even though it should be clear who you are, Ap'lek announces it anyways, before telling them to stand in formation. As Ren starts talking, you are happy with yourself that you didn't flinch this time. You're extra happy because that would have been embarrassing. The officers, on the other side, do twitch a bit, at least their faces.

With his dark, modulated voice, he announces: "There will be some changes in the course of action. First one being the new SG." He gestures towards you. "My incompetent predecessor didn't care much about how many casualties a battle would mean. I, however, plan on not wasting as many resources."

That statement surprises you. Sure, calling the officers resources might not be the most respectful wording, but it's nevertheless a sensible change.

Ren goes on to explain: "Starting today, she will oversee your and other selected department's training. She will also be present during battles."

You speak up with a loud voice: "I am looking forward to working with you."

You could swear that you hear someone in the back chuckle. A few officers in the front row have the decency to nod at you. It annoys you but you also kind of understand the skepticism. They don't know you. Still, no reason to be disrespectful.

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