(13) room service

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After having your head checked out in medical bay, you make your way to the mess hall to get breakfast. Armitage was called to central command yesterday for something concerning the planet your crashed on. He texted you that it would take some time and he'll tell you when he's done. You understand but you're yet again annoyed that he couldn't stay the night with you. Not that you're the most romantic type, but you'd like to simply lay there and take your time looking at him, not just hastily fuck him somewhere (even though that's nice too).

The officer that showed you around on the bridge yesterday is there as well.

"Trudgen!" You call.

She turns around, surprised to see you. Greeting you, she makes sure to use your full title like Hux told her to two days ago.

"Would you like to join me?" Trudgen offers.

"Yes, thank you."

She points at an empty table: "Please, sit, I will get you everything."

You sit down and look around. A few Troopers are here. Mostly, however, you see some of the Officers of the bridge. The personnel that notices you, gives you a nod. You still don't have a proper uniform. It's one of the reasons you want to get back to Starkiller Base.

However, you also want to stay here a little longer. It's much more relaxed. Now that you are in a less deadly surrounding than on that stupid planet, and don't have anything to do, really; it's like your first vacation since you joined The First Order.

"How are you doing today?" Trudgen asks when she puts down a tray down in front of you, packed with any food you could have thought of.

"Better, thank you, Officer." You give her a smile and start to eat. Slowly adjusting to being able to eat whenever you want to again, and also whatever you want to, brings back your appetite. After swallowing, you tell her: "Much better than the meat on that godforsaken planet."

Her eyes widen. She wanted to ask you about your crash all along, but obviously didn't dare to. Now, she has the chance: "Where did you get meat from?"

"I hunted."


Continuing to eat, you chuckle: "Had to keep the General alive somehow."

"So, you saved him?"

You raise an eyebrow at her suggestive question, but then say: "Of course I did, but don't tell anyone."

She giggles: "I won't."

While you finish your food, you make further conversation with her. It's really nice to talk to someone else. In like a normal environment. Eventually, you cannot hold yourself back anymore and ask: "Have you seen General Hux?"

Trudgen finishes her coffee and nods: "Yeah, he was here earlier. Then I think he went to do a test flight or something."

"Hm." You nod, trying to make sense of this information.

"Do you know what happened to his neck?"

You cough and blurt out: "What?"

"His neck. It looks like he was choked. Which is weird, because Kylo Ren isn't around here."

"Oh..." Desperately, you try not to grin. "Maybe it's a leftover injury that you didn't notice before."

Her eyes dart over your face. You could swear there is amusement in them.

"Maybe." She nods slowly.

You get up: "Thank you for the food. Have a good day."

Surprised by your sudden change in demeanor, she blinks at you before wishing you a good day as well, assuring you that you can come to her if you need anything.

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