(24) alone

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Pressing your hand against the side of your face where you were hit, you stare at Ren. The smile on his face slowly fades when you don't give him any visible reaction. The red streaks on his face are unsettling, yet beautiful. They are a colorful contrast to his black hair and his white skin.

Maker, this guy really has a kink for this, hasn't he?

"Is it just blood, or any bodily liquid?" You ask him.

He straightens his back, his gaze wandering from your clenching hands to your red cheek and to your eyes.

"It's not the blood, it's the attitude."

His candid reply makes you blink in surprise. You wanted to provoke him, and you got an actual answer. Nevertheless, he just slapped you across the face. You wipe your mouth and move your jaw left to right to relax the muscles. Ren is still observing you.

"Do you want to go another round or just hit me in the face for no reason again?"

"I think I've seen enough." He calmly states.

Your arms fall to your sides. Disappointment washes over you. Despite your cheekbone still hurting, you were having fun. You don't want to be done.

Raising your chin to appear stern and not sad, you ask: "Your verdict?"

"Fit for duty."

You nod: "Thank you, Supreme Leader."

Turning on your heels, you stride away, picking your jacket up without stopping. You desperately want to look back over your shoulder to see the expression on his face, but you manage to resist. The door loudly falls shut behind you.

You probably should return to training with Phasma, but you just cannot get yourself to. Something deep inside you is aching. Your chest physically hurts. Why is it so painful for you to get rejected by him? Why did it even feel like rejection?

Your legs carry you to the hangar by themselves. You don't even have to think about it; not pay attention since everyone is getting out of your way anyways.

You kissed Ren. He kissed you. Extensively. Then you told him to stop, and he did. And now that he came to assess if you're fit for your job, which he actually has to do, you somehow expected him to court you again. Flirt with you. Just anything that lets you know that he likes you. Obviously, he didn't. Why should he? He was into you, you told him no and he let you be.

Pointing at a random pilot, you secure your flight back to central command. You feel the officers nearby observe you intently. You don't wear your jacket. Maybe they are just curious to see you with only half your uniform on. Annoyed, you throw your jacket on without bothering about closing the zipper.

Staring into the endless darkness, sprinkled with stars, you try to come up with a decision. You cannot keep going like this. Your body begs you to give in to Ren. To get back to that room and fuck him until neither of you can walk. You heart, however, threatens to break just at the thought of betraying Armitage any more than you already did.

Running your hands over your face, you rub your eyes. Fuck, you need a break from all of this. Your head shoots up. That could be it. Get some distance. Physical distance. You're the damn Surgeon General, you can make decision on your own. You can schedule missions.

And you immediately know where you have to go.

As soon as your feet hit the ground of the main hangar, you start to shout.

"I need pilots for a special assignment. Who's up for it?" Several raise their hands. You pick three woman and a man, telling them what ship to prepare. They appear nervous because you're asking for the big guns. But they obey without questions.

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