(22) back and forth

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"You love me?!" In pure disbelieve, you stare at Armitage.

"Yeah." He nods and gives you a smile.

Your eyes dart over his face. You cannot convince yourself that he actually means it.

"But we basically just met."

Letting out a chuckle, he caresses the side of your face: "That doesn't matter to me."

Heart beating fast, you put your hand on the back of his neck to pull him in for a kiss.

He lets out a sigh. Hands on his shoulders, you inquire: "Why didn't you ask me if I want to be with you?"

Leaning back, Armitage looks you in the eyes: "I didn't dare to."

"Really?" You let out a laugh. That's ridiculous to you.

He nods: "I just couldn't imagine that you would say yes."

"Maybe ask me now?"

His green eyes sparkle as he brightly smiles and asks: "Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

"Yes." You breathe out, barely getting to say the full word before Armitage's lips are on yours again.

"Careful." You tell him when he clasps your face with both hands, putting pressure on the bruise on your temple.

"Sorry." He kisses your forehead. "I'll get the doctor. Then I have to take care of some stuff. I will be back in an hour."

You grab his arm to stop him: "I will go back to my quarters to rest there."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?"

You raise your eyebrow.

Armitage nods: "Right. You're the medical professional."

After pressing another quick kiss to your lips, he straightens his uniform before leaving the room.

- - - - - - - - - - -

The IV connected to your hand, you lie in your bed and stare at the ceiling.

You feel better. You had something to eat and drank a lot of water. Now you fumble with the corner of your blanket and try to form a coherent thought. General Hux asked you to be his girlfriend. And you said yes. You honestly have no idea what that means. Is your relationship official now? No, you should keep it private. You don't want to leave yourself open for accusations of unprofessional behavior.

You're too restless to truly relax, so you pull the IV out. It's almost through anyway. Pressing your thumb on the puncture wound, you get up and put a band-aid on it. Your index finger is still wrapped in a bandage. It annoys you how you constantly look like damaged goods.

In the bathroom mirror, you check out your face. You inject another dose of serum. It immediately numbs the pain and visibly reduces the size of the bruise. After you took care of the rest of your little ailments, you get the new datapad a droid delivered. You set everything up and read over the reports of the last two days to see what you missed.

You furrow your eyebrows when you see a new mission pop up. Just now, a new recon mission got scheduled for later this afternoon. You check out the details. Hux is supposed to lead it. And Ren gave the order. You curse.

Seconds later, there is a knock on your door. It's Armitage, visibly agitated.

"Did you see?" He storms past you.

"Yeah, just read it." The door closes with a hiss.

Standing in the middle of your living room, Armitage crosses his arms and stares out the window, tapping his foot. "I just know Ren did that to get me away from you!"

Sky Fall [ReaderxGeneralHux&KyloRen]Where stories live. Discover now