(15) questions over questions

368 12 1

Just before six, you enter the bridge. A few officers turn around and salute you. You give them a nod and they get back to their stations. Yesterday evening, a droid brought you your new uniform with the badge that no one else gets to wear. Surgeon General makes you one of the highest ranked officers of The First Order. Your chest swells with pride. You worked your way up in this institution within a few years. People outside the Order most likely have no idea who you are and what your value is. That could be an advantage at some point. However, right now, all you care about is standing at the large window of the bridge, looking down on the enormous hangar.

Caught up in your thoughts you only notice that the Supreme Leader entered because the officers working next to you tense up extremely. When you turn around, you find him standing right behind you. For some reason, you expected to see his face again. But it makes sense that he's indeed wearing his mask.

"Sir." You greet him.

He gives the smallest nod, then he steps next to you, face turned towards the hangar. It already annoys you that you cannot see where he's looking. He could very well be observing you from the corner of his eyes. It's unnerving. And pretty clever. No wonder everyone is always so tense. You cannot even tell where he's looking, let alone what he's facial expression is.

When he starts talking with his modulated voice, you flinch. Again. Maker, you have to get it together. Yesterday, you mostly managed to keep your cool, and now, that you have the job, you suddenly act all squeamish.

"You will have to get to know every department of the Medical Corps that's most important to me. Those will be your priority to train and supervise."

Straight to the point, fine by you, you think.

"I already know every department, Sir. Maybe, you could just let me know-"

"Do you?"

The black visor relentlessly mirrors your own face, making you blink as you're not sure what exactly you should focus on. His voice is as monotone as before, but you could swear there is amusement in it. Or he's just mocking you.

"Yes, Sir." You confirm anyways.

Ren now fully turns towards you, his broad chest more or less casting a shadow on your face. It's ridiculous. And hot. Stop it!

Out of the corner of your eye, you see his hands turn to fists and open again. You also notice how everyone backed away as inconspicuously as possible. It makes you lose the little composure you managed to gain in the last minute or so. Involuntarily, you look down, your eyes dragging over the lightsaber strapped to his side.

Finally, he says something: "I'm sure, you can tell me then who the heads of the 60D, 60N, 61E, 61N, and 62B are."

"Of course, Sir. Lieutenant Vicrul is head of the Occupational Medicine department, Lieutenant Cardo belongs to the Anesthesiologists, Ushar is your Clinical Pharmacologist, Kuruk is head of the Flight Surgeons, and of course Lieutenant Ap'lek, head of the Battalion Surgeons."

Someone in the room lets out a cough as if they were trying to cover up a chuckle. Contrary to your expectation, Ren doesn't react to it. He just tilts his head. Even though you cannot see his eyes, you can literally feel them pierce into you.

Then he lifts his gloves hand. Your eyes follow it. With his pointer finger, he lightly taps the badge below your shoulder that lets everyone know you're the SG. You keep still, but your hands, which are crosse behind your back, squeeze each other.

"Looks like I made the right decision giving you this."

"Looks like it."

Suddenly, Ren's hand grabs your chin: "Careful."

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