(12) uphill battle

452 17 4

Armitage's breath hits the side of your neck as you sit still on his desk. Your hands on his back, you feel the sweat running down. Blinking a few times, you come back to earth, slowly realizing where you are and what you just did.

"Oh fuck." You mumble when Armitage pulls out of you and reaches for his pants that are pooling around his ankles. With a hop, you get off the desk and try to put your clothes back in order. You're glad that you're not wearing a proper uniform, because that would be visibly messed up right now.

Your legs wobbly, you run your fingers through your hair to put it back in the hairstyle its supposed to be in. When the both of you are wearing all of your clothes again, you stand quietly in front of each other. After that explosion, you're not sure how to handle the aftermath. You absolutely didn't waist a single thought on that. Extending your arm, you wait for Armitage to give you a nod before you touch his hair, putting it back in the stiff, practical hairstyle he usually wears at work.

When you're done, you give him a smile. His cheeks are still flushed, his pale complexion giving it away easily.

"How are your bruises?" He asks with a soft voice.

You completely forgot about them. Touching them, you reply: "Alright. They look worse than they feel."

Apparently, that's all he can come up with for conversation. Because now, he stares at you with glazed over eyes. Most likely, you have a similar look in yours.

Slowly, however, it starts to anger you that he's keeping so much distance right now. He's even standing with his hands behind his back. Like he's trying to avoid touching you.

You want to say something, but you cannot form a coherent sentence as the endorphins still make you high. So, you just give him a brisk nod and walk past him, closing the door to his office louder than necessary.

The bright light of the hallway blinds your still widened pupils. You feel disorientated and lost. When group of Troopers walk by, you try your best to appear put together and turn in the opposite direction, hoping you'll find the way back to your quarters without guidance.

You let out a relieved breath when you find yourself in front of the command center. Form here, you know your way back.

With a sigh, you close the doors behind you and lock them. You had enough for today.

After cleaning yourself up in the bathroom, you fall into your bed with a sigh. You don't think you were ever this relieved to go to bed. The last few days were a lot and slowly, you start to feel it in your entire body. The soreness from fucking Armitage is a, at least somewhat pleasurable, addition. Fucking Armitage. You really did that. With a groan, you turn in bed and pull the blankets up to your chin. You enjoyed it. Something in you cannot wait to do it again. A big part of you, however, is really mad that you're laying here alone instead with him. It's possible, that this was simply the result of you teasing each other for the last week. It was inevitable, you know that. You wanted this to happen. Again, though, you realize how little you thought about the afterwards. It's not like you'll have to see him often at Starkiller Base. You work in different departments which almost never forces you to be even in the same room. Should you, however, finally manage to proof yourself worthy of becoming head of the medical corps, that would change drastically. Every meeting, Armitage would most likely be present. Maker, you should have really thought about this more. But being stranded on that planet, made it difficult to even imagine life back with The First Order.

With another sigh, you finally close your eyes and drift off into a well-deserved slumber.

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