Ch 37- Quidditch practice & DADA With Snape

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As they lay in sleeping bags in the Great Hall, the chatter was incredible. With a sigh, Adelaide cast a charm that blocks out all other unnecessary sounds. This was a useful spell she had picked up from a book when she was taking a break from all those animagus stuff. With the sound blocked out, she turned around and slept. 

The next morning, the others were showering her with remarks. They found it almost offensive that she had slept when Black was in the castle.

"How could you even go to sleep?" Harry muttered, annoyed.

"I was tired, had a good feast, and was looking forward to a new day, obviously I slept," Adelaide retorted.

"I couldn't care less if Black decided he was sleepy too and decided to camp in the Great Hall with us," she huffed.

The chatter didn't get any lesser the next week. Everyone was making the weirdest theories about how Black could enter the castle. Hannah Abbott was heard telling that Black could turn into a flowering pot. 

The Fat Lady's ripped canvas had been taken off the wall and replaced with the portrait of Sir Cadogan and his fat grey pony.

Nobody was very happy about this, except for Adelaide. She had found him quite funny. Sir Cadogan spent half his time challenging people to duels, and the rest thinking up ridiculously complicated passwords, which he changed at least twice a day.

"He's a complete lunatic," said Seamus Finnigan angrily to Percy. "Can't we get anyone else?"

"None of the other pictures wanted the job," said Percy. "Frightened of what happened to the Fat Lady. Sir Cadogan was the only one brave enough to volunteer."

Adelaide liked asking the knight riddles and he would clatter across the castle, running through paintings, yelling answers after her.

"Why do you do that?" Ron groaned one day as they shook off Sir Cadogan on their way to the Great Hall.

"Oh, he's just adorable," Adelaide said.

"Don't tell me you fancy him," Harry cried disgustedly.

"Don't be a prat," Adelaide scoffed. "What I'm saying is that it is nice to see him so excited. He's got a bubbly and funny personality,"

Someone scoffed behind them and they turned around.

Adelaide sighed when she saw Malfoy and his cronies, only this time there was Pansy Parkinson hanging to his supposedly uninjured arm.

"Fallen in love with a painting, have you, Gracia?" Malfoy sneered.

"Shove off Malfoy," Harry growled.

"Really high standards you have there," Malfoy drawled, ignoring Harry. "Of course, what else could be expected from a mudblood like you?"

Ron and Harry drew their wands, and Hermione and Adelaide had to hold them back.

"Ignore him," Adelaide said. "He's not worth it,"

"Is that so, Gracia?" Malfoy spat swaggering forward. Adelaide sighed. Why does he have to be so difficult?

"Yes, Malfoy," Adelaide said his name with just as much contempt he said hers with.

"Anyway, why does it matter to you whom I fancy?" she snapped raising an eyebrow.

Malfoy gaped, mouthing silently like a fish out of water. Of course, he didn't have an answer. That idiot was just looking for an opportunity to pester them.

"That's what I thought," Adelaide said. "Let's go," she walked away with the others.

"Gosh, whatever is his problem," she grumbled as they took the flight of stairs to Charms.

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