Ch 29- Leaky Cauldron & Humongous Bighead

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They entered the Leaky Cauldron and found Mr. Weasley, reading the Daily Prophet. Adelaide stared at the picture of Sirius Black. She stared at his gaunt, yellowed face, his cheeks hollowed in, his eyes holding a certain madness.

She frowned.

This year isn't going to be any less peaceful, is it, she thought.

"Harry! Adelaide!" Mr. Weasley said, smiling as he looked up. "How are you?"

"Blooming! How are you, Mr. Weasley?" Adelaide said brightly, hitching up a smile on her face, and tearing her eyes away from Sirius.

"I'm wonderful, my dear," Mr. Weasley said.

"Fine, thanks," said Harry as the four of them joined Mr. Weasley.

"They still haven't caught him, then?" Harry asked, looking at the picture of Sirius Black.

"No," said Mr. Weasley, looking extremely grave. "They've pulled us all off our regular jobs at the Ministry to try and find him, but no luck so far."

"Would we get a reward if we caught him?" asked Ron. "It'd be good to get some more money —"

"Don't be ridiculous, Ron," said Mr. Weasley, who on closer inspection looked very strained. "Black's not going to be caught by a thirteen-year-old wizard. It's the Azkaban guards who'll get him back, you mark my words."

Adelaide pursed her lips and inhaled deeply.

At that moment Mrs. Weasley entered the bar, laden with shopping bags and followed by the twins, Fred and George, who were about to start their fifth year at Hogwarts; the newly elected Head Boy, Percy; and the Weasleys' youngest child and only girl, Ginny.

"Ginny!" Adelaide cried and hugged her. "Oh my gosh, you've grown taller"

"Hello, Mrs. Weasley. Hey, Fred, George. Hi Percy." Adelaide said greeting everyone.

Adelaide smirked and looked at Hermione who had the same expression as her when they saw Ginny going red as she greeted Harry.

Percy held out his hand, shook Adelaide's hand,

Adelaide knew that Percy was a jerk in the stories and only came on the right path during the Final Battle. But, she can't help but feel bad for him.

He studied really hard, but, his siblings always tease him and when he finally lands a job as the assistant for Minister of Magic, Mr. Weasley tells him that it is not because of his caliber but only because he was being used as a spy.

Even though it was the truth; it's still quite sad.

Further, when Fred dies, he spends his entire life in guilt that he was not able to spend time with him.

Hence she was not going to tease him.

"Hi Percy!" she gave a pointed look towards the silver badge on his chest, " Congratulation on becoming Head Boy, I won't say I am surprised as it was quite obvious that you were going to become one" Adelaide grinned.

Percy beamed at her, " Why, thank y— "

"Harry! Adelaide!" said Fred, elbowing Percy out of the way and bowing deeply. He held Adelaide's hand gave it a vigorous, firm shake, and then grabbed Harry's hand and began shaking it too.

"Simply splendid to see you, —"

"Marvelous," said George, pushing Fred aside and seizing his hand in turn. "Absolutely spiffing."

Percy scowled. Harry chuckled.

"That's enough, now," said Mrs. Weasley.

"Mum!" said Fred as though he'd only just spotted her and seizing her hand too. "How really corking to see you —"

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