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Stella's eyes fluttered open, she had an absolutely horrible sleep the previous night, thinking about the two consecutive nightmares, she shuddered.

She sat up and stared at the brightly painted wall in front of her. What the hell, she didn't have a single painted wall in her rickety room, where was she.

She thought about her nightmares in which she died, was the second one really a nightmare. Did someone save her?

No, it wasn't possible. In that house there was not a single person who didn't wish for her death. So, where was she?

She slid down the bed and looked around. She was wearing a pink nightgown. Okay, another weird thing, she didn't own nightgowns. She felt small too. Like really small. She walked to the dresser in the corner of the room and what she saw made her jaw drop.

"WTF!" she shrieked, but all that came out of her mouth was a high pitched squeak.

Her voice! It sounded so weird!

Like a child.

She looked at the reflection in the mirror. A young girl around the age of ten was looking back at her. Her long brown hair fell upon her shoulders. Her eyes were swirling with confusion and shock.

Stella waved her hands around so did the reflection.

She pulled her ear, shook her head, tapped her foot and the reflection did the same.

Okay, well, it didn't make any sense in the least. What had happened to her? Was this another dream?

Suddenly she had a headache and the room started spinning around her. Stella proceeded to pass out.

And she had another strange dream, an extremely long strange dream.

In that dream, she lived a completely different life, but it was not her life, it was through the eyes of another person.

A cute and extremely vivacious little girl.

Adelaide Gibson, the original owner of this little girl's body. The only daughter of Jason and Annalise Gibson; born on August 8, 1980, a girl who looked exactly like her.,

The dream was the complete rendition of what she always wished she had -loving and alive parents .

At the end of the dream Stella started feeling something was off about Adelaide, and the bright young girl who she saw grow up, died in front of her eyes.

At least, she consoled herself, it was a peaceful death.

And then she woke up. Looking at her surroundings Stella had an awful realization, she was in the body of 10 year old Adelaide Gibson.

So, it means she died in that fire, why did she get a second life,

she didn't want it.

She wanted to go and meet her parents in heaven, but she was stuck here, repeating life for the second time, an unwanted life.

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