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Stella woke up abruptly due to the cold, she was freezing. Rubbing her hands together she tried to retain some warmth as she looked around. She was not in Adelaide's room, nor was it her own room from her past life.

The room was completely white, not a single object in sight, it was desolate. Was she actually just consecutively dreaming, were the few days she spent as Adelaide Gibson also a dream. Stella sighed in relief, was she truly dead now.

"No, you're not. " Came the voice of a child, a voice she was quite familiar with.

She turned around and looked at the girl standing in front of her, donning the face she had been looking in the mirror  since the past 2 weeks, "Adelaide Gibson? " She questioned.

"Yes, nice to meet you Stella, I've been waiting to talk to you. " Saying so she gave her an absolutely breathtaking smile.

But Stella was terrified.

"I know, I'm the one who stole your body, right? You died because of me right? I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I just wanted to die peacefully. I never meant to steal your life. Please come back. " Stella cried out.

Adelaide frowned as she heard her words, " No such thing happened sweetie. I was fated to die that day, my time was up. I gave you the permission to occupy my body.

I'm not alive anymore, but you are. Just keep my parents happy, they are the main reason I wanted you to live the life I couldn't live. " She confessed.

"But why? Both of us died, then why did I get a second chance at life and not you? You deserve it so much more than me. " Stella asked her.

"I'm not capable enough to judge the will of the creator Stella. If he wanted to give you another chance, there must be a reason behind it.

Tell me, did you suffer in that life. "

Stella kept quiet.

"Tell me" Adelaide asked again.

"Yes, yes I did. " Stella admitted.

"So, you deserve this life. Live it to the best of your abilities, don't have a single regret, and please never let my parents feel the absence of their daughter. I hope you have a fulfilling life Adelaide Gibson. " saying so, she gave a serene smile and faded away.

Stella, no, Adelaide vowed in her heart, I'll never let this life go in vain. I promise.


It has been a few days since she had that dream and Adelaide had now completely accepted her new life.

It didn't mean she still didn't miss her old one, but that she was trying to make most out of the one she had now.

And just like that, the day to go to Diagon Alley had arrived.

Diagon alley was just as fascinating as in the books or the movies just with slightly better graphics. Adelaide's head swung around trying to take in everything at once. 

"Well," She told her parents, yes her parents, she has parents.

"Wizards and witches have a different monetary system. So our first stop should be the wizard bank, Gringotts; and we need to change the muggle money into wizard money."

She pointed at the huge white marbled building that towered over the rest of the street.


Adelaide waved to the departing couple as they left. She had a very hard time, trying to convince her parents to leave her to her own exploits. They were adamant, but Adelaide wasn't any less. In the end she was the victor and they reluctantly left the place, extremely exhausted due to the 'atrocities' they had witnessed.

Adelaide went around trying to purchase each and everything she needed for Hogwarts. She still felt this was all a dream. How could Hogwarts ever be real? But if this really was a dream, she didn't want to wake up anymore.

She had a great time exploring and shopping , she went to Flourish and Blotts, Madam Malkin's and even had an I've cream at Fortescue's.

She even tried to get an owl, as it would be convenient for delivering letters, but alas, she really didn't have the courage. Animals, of any kind scare her, in the sense that she could play with other's pets, but she was not responsible enough to get one of her own.

Thinking about her deceased Lenny she threw the thought of a pet out of her brain.


t last she arrived at her final stop Ollivanders.

The shop was narrow and shabby. Peeling gold letters over the door read Ollivanders: Makers of Fine Wands since 382 B.C. A single wand lay on a faded purple cushion in the dusty window.

A tinkling bell rang somewhere in the depths of the shop as she stepped inside. It was a tiny place, empty except for a single, spindly chair. There were thousands of narrow boxes piled neatly right up to the ceiling.

The silence enveloped her as she waited for Ollivander to arrive. But it was a strange sort of silence. She felt as though the boxes were whispering to her, tingling with magic, but physically, there was no sound at all.

The whole room seemed to be filled with a sort of chatter, that she couldn't really hear, but for certain could feel.

"Hello, here for your wand, I see," said a voice disturbing the quiet and making Adelaide jump.

She turned to see Ollivander walking up to her.

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