Ch 25- The broken group & The Goddamn Diary

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The next morning fateful news met their ears. Colin Creevey had been petrified. Adelaide this time wished that things go along with the plotline, but things could change. Her presence here has changed many things. Therefore, there was a likely chance that someone might get killed.

She had to talk to Ginny about the diary. Everyone thought Ginny was distraught because she used to sit with Colin in charms.

Ron and Hermione wanted to go to Myrtle's bathroom and work on the potion. Adelaide wanted to go talk to Ginny. This ensued in an argument between Adelaide and Hermione and Ron wisely kept out of their way. Harry was lucky that he was in the hospital wing.

"I'm telling you. You are wasting your time by making that potion, interrogating Malfoy." Adelaide roared.

"Oh yeah? How would you know?" Hermione snarled back.

"Listen. I've got better things to do." Adelaide sighed, brows furrowing.

"You don't tell us anything. " Hermione yelled.

"I don't have time for this Hermione," Adelaide grumbled

"Sure. Go, counsel Ginny."

"Don't talk if you don't know." Adelaide was fired up now. Hermione didn't know what Ginny was going through.

"Exactly! I don't know! Because you don't tell me!!"Hermione screamed.

Adelaide sighed and walked away as she heard Hermione yell after her, "FINE!"

Hermione was very upset with Adelaide, and Harry and Ron decided to side with Hermione. Malfoy was the best suspect and they were not going to let it go.

At lunch, the trio sat as far as possible from Adelaide, who was chatting with Ginny. So far Adelaide was doing a better job of cheering the redhead up, than the attempts of Fred and Geroge.

"Ah, would you look at that," Malfoy's voice floated across "The dream team's broken up! "

Adelaide scowled and turned her head around.

"What do you want Malfoy?" she said wearily. The iconic Malfoy sneer greeted her, with Crabbe and Goyle standing at his side like pillars.

"Don't tell me you think Potter's the Heir of Slytherin," Malfoy spat. "Is that why you are avoiding them? Scared that Potty will attack you? And I thought you would be smarter than this,"

"How stupid are you? Are you even listening to yourself?" Adelaide scoffed. "I'm not stupid enough to believe the nonsense the rest of the school believes. And even if Harry was the Heir of Slytherin, why would I avoid him for that?"

Ginny stiffened beside her.

"Honestly, it would just be so cool. I would like to meet the Heir of Slytherin," Adelaide said glancing at her.

"What?" Malfoy blurted, looking quite stumped.

"What?" Adelaide asked raising her eyebrows. "The history the family has would be so rich, anyone would want to know," she said matter-of-factly.

"It really sounds interesting," she said, more to Ginny rather than Malfoy. "I would actually love to know more,"

Before Malfoy could say anything, Adelaide and Ginny were rescued by the arrival of Fred and George.

"Anything you need, Malfoy?" Fred said, glaring at the blond.

"None of your business, Weasley," Malfoy snapped back.

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