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As the weeks passed, Stella grew more and more depressed. It had gotten so bad that her acting didn't convince Jason and Annalise anymore, and both of them had started getting increasingly worried.

One such day while she was brooding in the room, a letter arrived.

Maybe for others there was nothing special about it, it was just one letter.  But Stella couldn't believe her eyes, maybe she was hallucinating.

Her hands were trembling as she picked up the envelope. The Hogwarts emblem; a lion, an eagle, a badger, and a snake surrounding a large letter H stood out profoundly. In green ink it was written--

Miss A. Gibson.

Stella was sure someone was playing a prank on her, or maybe she was stuck in a long dream, first she gets another chance at life with parents who are alive and absolutely adore her.

Now she receives a Hogwarts Letter. The one place she fantasized about on a daily basis to escape her bleak past life.

For quite some time Stella kept scrutinizing the letter. But she couldn't keep deluding herself that it was a dream.

She really did die and reincarnate, she felt it, she experienced it.

And this letter couldn't be a prank because, the Harry Potter books had not been released yet.

With shaky hand she opened the envelope, and two sheets of parchment fell out. She read the entire letter and fell into contemplation.

If this is in fact real, would she want to go to the Hogwarts.

And the answer was- She wasn't sure.

She still couldn't believe it she was not reincarnated in a normal world. She was in the Harry Potter universe, the place she dreamed about.

Her escape from reality became her reality.

Adelaide stuffed the letter under her mattress, Jason and Annalise don't need to know about it.

That evening, Jason came home early. When asked, he said that he had received a letter that asked him to do so and that it was really important.

"It came by an owl, Allie," he told Annalise as he slumped onto an armchair. "A huge brown owl. It flew straight at my window on the tenth floor, in broad daylight,"

Stella felt her blood pumping, was this inevitable. Would she really go to Hogwarts and learn magic.

Did she deserve this?

No, she didn't.

Adelaide deserved all of this, she was supposed to become a witch and Stella just snatched everything away from her.

Meanwhile Jason and Annalise were conversing.

"What did the letter say?" Annalise asked.

"A meeting," Jason replied, closing his eyes wearily. "Three o'clock on the dot, it seems. Someone named McGonagall. And apparently, it is about Adelaide,"

"Adelaide?" Annalise exclaimed. Her husband nodded and glanced at his watch.

"She is supposed to be here in ten minutes," he muttered.

Stella couldn't stop her shaking as the doorbell rang. Annalise went to get it. She opened the door to see a tall, severe-looking woman in an emerald green cloak.

"Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Gibson. I would like to talk to you about your daughter," the woman said. "I had sent a letter, informing you about this meeting,"

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