Aye, true indeed! Though, I agree that your vocabulary or more precisely your choice of words do matter in a story, like how you want to describe a certain emotion. But then sometimes it makes the environment more complex to me. You just hit on the right spot. True, it's not your characters, it's not your plot, it's your way of narration that catches the eyes of the reader. You have mentioned writer's block. Hence my next question is regarding it- how do you deal with writer's block?

Well, I don’t really have a specific way for dealing with writer's block but I guess sometimes reading does help. I’ve heard that when you’re hit with writer's block, reading helps get your creative juices flowing again :)) And another method for me is just forcing myself to write whatever that comes to mind, and later return and edit it to make it flow better. Though, obviously these methods don’t always work considering the fact that writer block is oh, so very common for me. Plus, there are possibly plenty other ways to deal with writer's block (most of which I am not aware of HAHA).

Understandable, writer's block is the sour enemy of every writer XD I guess every writer deals with it in a different way. Yours is good as well. :) So, coming back to your winning book, I've seen that it's about five friends, right? As a writer I know, you would obviously love them. But which one is your most favourite character?

Hmm well, I can’t really choose a favourite character since I love them all and can relate to all of them in many different aspects. But I would say that Rhia is my one of my favourite characters to write as she has an amazing personality and overall character. She’s super fierce and strong yet understanding and has her own vulnerabilities and insecurities, which I think make her a truly special character :))

That's really admirable! I mean what could be better than if you can relate to your character? Have you faced  any difficulties coming up with the plot? What really intrigued it?

I mean, I didn’t have much difficulty coming up with my plot since I usually do a lot of world building in my head and have the characters and their surroundings all figured out. But since I tend to go with the flow for my writing, I usually come across many roadblocks in my plot since I’m not sure how to continue with the story at a particular point, even though I know how I want it to end. So it’s more like I’ve figured out the gist and the key points of the story but end up struggling at times to piece all the points together. This is usually how I end up with writer’s block haha.

It's actually problematic for any writer, but good luck for your book! I'm sure you will rock it. xD Have you ever faced negative feedback? If so, how did you deal with it?

Well I haven’t faced much negative feedback (and if I have I don’t tend to remember such stuff, I have a horrible memory lmao). Lucky me, hehe. But I have received a lot of constructive criticism before, all of which I am very happy to receive! These types of feedback really help me improve my story and I’m extremely grateful to all readers of mine who are willing to help me out <33

That's really good! As a writer myself, I do believe it's our readers who pave our way to learn better. I remembered something now. Do you engage with your readers as well?

Of course! I try to engage with my readers as much as possible, whenever I can :)) It makes me so happy whenever I see comments on my stories and it only feels right to reply to them. Although, I do sometimes forget to check my wp notifications and miss comments or forget that I even have comments to reply to haha.

Hehe! It's okay. That's really good to know. Readers tend to play a big role in any kind of book. So, do you have any update schedule? Do you follow it?

Well, I used to have one but it became increasingly hard to follow my weekly schedule so I decided to stop having an update schedule and just updated whenever I finish a chapter. Right now, Lost & Found is actually on hold, so that I can work on a few chapters offline and have some ready to be published before starting up my update schedule again (which hopefully I will follow for a much longer time than earlier haha).

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