I struggle so much just for him to remove it

Finally... He removed it and told me stay quiet


We saw Mugino-san being stopped by a woman. Mugino-san is injured and carrying an old man

When the girl is about to hit Mugino-san with her kunai, Orochimaru-san appeared and erased her

"What the..." - I mumble

While Mitsuki and I  assisting Mugino-san

"H-how can that be?" - Mugino

Orochimaru-san pulled down his hood

"O-Orochimaru? What are you... doing here? " - Mugino

He passed out

"Ara, it looks like something very interesting happening. (Y/N) you should prepare what you need to prepare. " - Orochimaru

"Oookay..." - I said and made a clone

"You sure one is enough?" - Mitsuki

"Yeah, I somehow figure things out" - I said

Orochimaru-san will go to Victor and Big bro Konohamaru

Mitsuki and I will head to Boruto and Sarada

Our timing is perfect, when Boruto is about to get hit

It was Mitsuki who saved him


"Who are you?" - Boruto

Mitsuki removed his coat and mask

I jump down next to him and did the same

"Mitsuki! (Y/N)!" - Boruto said smiling

"I'm sorry we're late" - Mitsuki

"Hey... You just left me in the village!" - I said

"Sorry! You're seriously injured, why bother to go here?" - Boruto

"Huh? We're a team! After this you two should treat me all the  foods I want!" - I said

"Sure, sure. Are you two okay now? " - Sarada

"Yeah, thanks to (Y/N)" - Mitsuki

"Aww, MS. Uchiha is worried" - I said

"Yeah, I am you didn't even told us what happened there" - Sarada

"And Deepa calling you his monster, why? " - Boruto

"Who knows?" - I said

"My monster have arrived, come with me and you don't need to fight like them" - Deepa

"Huh?" - I said

"Team 7 is now assembled" - Boruto

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