"Wasn't your mom teaching you piano when you left? Have you kept up with that at all?" Ren asked

"Yeah, I actually ended up enjoying it. Although Mom wanted me to play classical music, I actually ended up liking to play swing music, much to her dissatisfaction." I said. Thinking back on it, before I left when one of us would visit the other, I remember pressing random keys on the piano and trying to make a song out of it for the two of us. Considering the improvisation that can happen in swing music, I wonder if those memories are part of what led me to fall in love with swing music as much as I did.

"I see, well I'd love to hear you play at some point." Ren said

After a moment, I chuckled and said "You know, if I knew what it took to break the silence between us was me spraining my ankle, I would've done it sooner. It's good talking to you again."

Ren giggled slightly then said "I'm glad to be talking to you again too. When you came back and we had only spoken a couple times, I had started to wonder if maybe we weren't going to be able to reconnect again."

"Sorry, I don't know how to describe it. I just didn't know what to say to you, and when we did talk it all felt so stiff, so I ended up just not trying to connect again." I said "But since it seems we're past that, I'd love to catch up."

"I'd love that." Ren said, smiling

We spent a while longer, talking to each other. It feels good to finally try to reconnect to somebody I cared about so much growing up. In the end, she was a precious person to me back then, and maybe I can become close to her again.


Two Months Later...

After I got up and got dressed for the day, I rushed outside, hoping that I timed it out so I could walk part way to school with Ren. Since a part of our commute lines up with each other, if we end up running into each other on our way, we'll talk while we go. But beyond just spending some time with my childhood friend, I also have something I want to tell her today. I wanted to tell her how since I got to reconnect with her, she's grown to become even more precious to me than she was in the past. I've ended up going from seeing her as my childhood friend and have ended up seeing her as a beautiful and mature girl whom I've ended up in love with. And while I'm not good with words, I want to tell her that, to get my feelings towards her out there.

As I stepped out of the house, I saw that Ren was already part of the way up the street, causing me to increase the speed of my gait enough to catch up with her.

"Hey Ren." I said

"Good morning Y/n." Ren said, "How are you doing today?"

"Could be better, could be worse." I said "And you?"

"I'm doing well today. Liella has a performance lined up for next week." Ren said

"That's awesome to hear. I'll make sure to be there to cheer you on." I said

"Thanks Y/n. I'll be happy to see you there." Ren said

As we continued to walk along the path to school, I stopped for a moment and said "Hey Ren, there's something I need to tell you."

Ren stopped and looked back at me "What is it Y/n?"

"Ren, I've ended up in love with you." I said "Since we started talking again and spending time together, I've really enjoyed being beside you and spending time with you. And before I knew it, I couldn't help but realize how beautiful and amazing that girl I knew so long ago had become."

"Y/n..." Ren said, starting to blush some. She was silent for a moment, before she looked at me, still blushing, with a gentle smile and said "I think I've ended up in love with you too Y/n."

As she said that, I felt a warmth in my chest alongside relief to know that she reciprocated my feelings. With the smile on my face starting to grow, I said "Ren, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course I'll be your girlfriend." Ren said

"Then maybe as a sort of first date, do you want to go get something to eat or something after club practices?" I suggested

"That sounds nice." Ren said "Shall we meet in front of my house?"

"That works for me." I said, I'd like to clean up a bit before I go on my first date, so that just gives me a chance to quickly do that.

We then continued walking to school, talking about where we should go later today, what we've got coming up soon, and whatever else came up. As we continued to walk, I felt Ren's hand reach out and take hold of mine, our fingers intertwining. After finally getting to be with Ren again, and finding love in her, I hope that I can stay with her for a long time to come with her as the person most important to me.


A/n: It's not too often that I end up deciding to revise and change part of one of my oneshots, but with how I felt like this was a decently strong oneshot up until the end where it ended a bit flat, I wanted to try and fix it some. I hope I succeeded on that front

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