CH: 4 Please understand

Start from the beginning

All I knew was that I found myself in my house; if I weren't meant to be in the house, I would have woke up somewhere else. Maybe next to my fucking body, for fucks sake.

"Fine, I'll just go," Liam said

"Wait, what are you even going to say to her? You don't know what to say to Pam!?" I said to Liam.

He turned around and looked at me.

"Fine, what do I say to her?" He asked me.

I stood there silent for a couple of minutes. I was trying to think about what he could say or ask Pam when he sees her.

"Faith, what should I say to Pam? How do I talk to her, what can I say to her about what's going on, and what can I ask her?" Liam asked in a serious tone.

"I don't know; I haven't thought about it," I said.

Liam let out a loud, frustrated noise.

"Your kidding?" He asked.

"No, I am not. I didn't think anyone would be able to see me. So, I just really haven't thought about what I could have someone ask her for me." I said to Liam.

"Faith, you had two years!" Liam yelled.

"I know! I fucking know. You don't have to be mean about it." I said back at him.

Liam looked taken off guard.

"Me!? Being mean! Me?!" He said, letting out a loud laugh.

"Faith, you were talking about killing me earlier or getting rid of me," Liam said.

I shyly looked away.

"I wasn't serious. I was just trying to scare you." I said.

"Uh, huh. You were trying to scare me; that's the first thing you do to the person that can see you." Liam said in a sarcastic tone.

"Ugh, Liam. What do you want from me?" I asked him.

"Well, first thing first. I want you to take a couple of steps towards me so we can test this out." Liam said.

"Test it out?" I asked.

"Yeah, let's test it out, take a couple of steps towards me and let's see what happens," Liam said.

"And what if I freaking disappear?!" I yelled.

"That sounds like your problem to me," Liam said.

I stared at him, stunned, and he stared at me cooly.

We both stared at each other for a minute; a battle was happening with our eyes.

"I'm not doing it," I said.

"Alright, well, bye," Liam said, turning around and walking towards his car.

"Liam! Wait, you don't know how to talk to Pam or what to say!" I yelled towards him.

"Then you should come or tell me what to say." He said, still walking away.

I watched him get into his car and pulling out of the driveway,

I stared outside the house.

I was shocked that he left just like that.

Liam's car suddenly pulled back into the driveway; a relief feeling fell upon me.

He got out of the car and walked towards me.

"You realized that you didn't know what to talked about with Pam, so that's why you came back," I said to him.

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